Peter McGuinness
Peter & Tom McGuinness are tillage and sheep farmers from Trim, Co. Meath.
Over 800 ewes are lambed each year. Single and twin bearing ewes are wintered outdoors and triplets are housed.
All ewes are lambed outdoors on grass with lambing starting in mid-March.
Ewes run in groups of about 250 and rotated around a mix of permanent and temporary paddocks.
After weaning, lambs are creeped ahead of the ewes to ensure good liveweight gain from grass.
Lambs are drafted by mid-October to have grass for the ewes for the autumn.
Soil fertility is good on the farm with slurry from a B&B cattle unit in the yard applied back on to silage ground through LESS.
Over 10% of the farm is being reseeded each year also.
Peter does all the measuring on the farm which is something he began on his work placement in New Zealand. This is crucial to have ewes and lambs grazing the right grass all year round.
Peter is also a member of the Grass10 Meath Drystock Grass Course and in 2020 he grew 13.7 T DM/ha.