Historical Publications
- Drainage investigations on Bogland. Burke 1961(PDF)
- Land drainage survey. Galvin 1966 (PDF)
- Principles of Drainage with special reference to peat, Burke 1967 (PDF)
- Effect of Drainage on Crop yield on Blanket Peat,Burke 1969 (PDF)
- Land drainage survey 2,Galvin 1969 (PDF)
- Land Drainage Map of Ireland, Galvin 1971 (PDF)
- Aspects of the hydrology of a Gley on a Drumlin, Burke 1974 (PDF)
- Land potential for grazing in Ireland, Lee (1974)
- Drainage of a hillside seep in Co. Cavan, Mulqueen 1975 (PDF)
- Plasticity Characteristics of Clay Soil, Mulqueen 1976 (PDF)
- Properties of Irish peats,Galvin 1976 (PDF)
- Long term effects of drainage and land use on physical properties of blanket peat,Burke 1978 (PDF)
- The Physical Basis of Soil/Water Relationships - 1978
- Design and Installation of a Drainage System -1978
- Field Drainage Course for Enterprise Advisers - 1978
- Tunnel Drainage of Deep Blanket bog, Burke 1979 (PDF)
- Drainage problems in Ireland in relation to glacial geology, Mulqueen&Gleeson 1982 (PDF)
- The Drainage of Impermeable Soils in High Rainfall Areas, L.F. Galvin 1983 (PDF)
- Effects of rainfall on milk yields in areas with drainage difficulties, Pitts 1984 (PDF)
- Effective Disruption is a major factor in the drainage of impermeable soils, L.F. Galvin 1985 (PDF)
- Agricultural drainage practices,Ryan 1986 (PDF)
- Aspects of Land drainage developement in Ireland over the last twenty-five years, L.F. Galvin 1986 (PDF)
- Hydrogeological aspects of agricultural drainage in Ireland. Burdon 1986 (PDF)
- The use of groundwater surveys in the diagnosis and solution of a draiange problem,Mulqueen 1986 (PDF)
- On flows from a clay soil-seasonal changes and the effect of mole drainage,Mulqueen et al.1987 (PDF)
- Herbage yield with water table depth,Brereton 1988
- Soil moisture and groundwater drawdown in a dry grassland soil, Hosty and Mulqueen 1996 (PDF))
- Depth, spacing and length of mole drains with applications to afforestation,J Mulqueen 1998 (PDF)
- A model study of mole drain spacing and performance, M. Rodgers et al.