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Pasture Profit Index

What is the pasture Profit Index - PPI

Regular reseeding of pasture is practised to grow increased quantities of high quality grass, increasing the feed self-sufficiency and sustainability of Irish farms. The Pasture Profit Index (PPI) is a variety selection tool used to identify the best varieties to sow when reseeding. The PPI expresses the relative differences between varieties for agronomic traits such as Spring, Summer and Autumn herbage yield, Herbage Quality, Silage yield and Grazing Utilisation.

Variety data is collected by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) and Teagasc in plot trials. Within the PPI, variety performance for a trait is expressed as a € value with higher values indicating better performance. The total PPI value of a variety is the sum of its performance in all traits and indicates the additional net profit that can be expected by sowing that variety compared to the average performing sward in Ireland. Variety selection decisions can be based on the total merit - total PPI value of varieties or by selecting high performance in specific traits e.g. high values for herbage quality.

Grass and Clover Varieties Recommended Lists 


Grass and clover Recommended List 2024 (PDF)


Grass and Clover Recommended List 2023 (PDF) 


Grass and Clover Recommended List 2022 (PDF) 


Grass and Clover Recommended List 2021


Grass and White Clover Recommended List 2020

Pasture Profit Index 

Explaining the Pasture Profit Index 2021

Other Resources

Pocket Manual for Reseeding