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An overview of how to use Pasturebase Ireland

PastureBase Ireland is an internet-based grassland management tool run by Teagasc. It offers farmers ‘grassland decision support’ and stores a vast quantity of grassland data from dairy, beef and sheep farmers in a central database. PBI also operates on a Smartphone App which can work offline

How to measure grass

How to Measure Grass using a quadrate and shears method

Grass Wedge Screen

Entering Covers and Livestock in PBI

Spring Rotation Planner in PBI

PBI Add Paddocks

See how to add paddocks to www.pbi.ie

PastureBase - Moorepark'15

Irish Dairying - Sustainable Expansion

Using the Projected Wedge on the PBI Grass App

A video tutorial on how to use the Projected Wedge on the PBI smartphone app

Adding fertiliser on the PBI Grass App

A video tutorial on how to add fertiliser on the PBI smartphone app

Using the Grazing Planner on PBI

A video tutorial on how to use the Grazing Planner on the PBI smartphone app

Adding a grazing event on the PBI Grass App

A video tutorial on how to add a grazing event on the PBI smartphone app

Adding a Graze Date on the PastureBase App

In this video, John Douglas, Teagasc Grass10 Advisor gives an overview of how to record grazings on the PastureBase Ireland App.

New Updates to PastureBase Ireland

PastureBase Ireland is the national grassland database providing daily updates on grass growth across the country. With a major focus on improving the nitrogen use & management on farms, PBI has added a number of important tools to assist farmers to better match nitrogen supply with grass demand