One of the key messages from the Teagasc 2030 Foresight Report was the central importance of grass based agricultural systems in underpinning the competitiveness and profitability of the agri-food sector in the emerging bio-economy. The initial objective set out for the Grassland Research and Innovation programme is to generate and procure evidence-based knowledge to support innovation, technology transfer and education in the key areas of Irish grass production including:
- grass breeding
- growth
- fertilisation
- utilisation
- nutritional value
and to develop grazing systems that will underpin the profitability, competitiveness and sustainability of the sector and enhance food security.
Research Projects
The Grazing4AgroEcology Project aims to promote grazing and to support grazing-based farms on their economic and ecologic performances as well as on animal welfare. Read more about the Grazing4AgroEcology Project
BNIPasture aims to accelerate the potential of Biological Nitrification Inhibition (BNI) capacity in temperate grassland species to reduce nitrous oxide emissions (N20) from ruminant production systems. Read more about the BNIPasture Project