Teagasc Nursery Stock Research and Trials
Teagasc has a range of research projects and trials underway that are focused on nursery stock production or have a broad impact across horticulture.
Teagasc Tree Trials
Teagasc has been running ornamental tree trials in Kildalton College since 2016. It is important to develop knowledge of the production of a wider range of trees in light of climate change, emerging threats from pests and disease and changing market forces e.g. trees for smaller spaces. The outlook is positive for tree production in Ireland with a growing economy and replanting opportunities from Ash dieback only developing.
To date more than 50 varieties of trees have been selected and grown in Kildalton College and Teagasc Ashtown. They are assessed under a range of criteria e.g. pest and disease incidence, rate of growth, ornamental features.
Varieties selected have been sourced from specialist nurseries in the Netherlands and Belgium.
Euro Trials Introduction
Teagasc has been involved with Euro-Trial since 2008 when it established its first trials. These plant trials are a collaboration between 7 countries in Europe; Netherlands, Germany, France, Britain, Austria, Finland and Ireland. An independent organisation in each country grows and arranges judging of the plants. By growing and assessing the plants over a wide geographic area, it is possible to assess the plants performance and suitability to local climates. The plant species are selected by the committee each year. All new plants are propagated in one location and distributed to all trial sites for planting outside. The plants are assessed between the second and fourth years. Judging panels consist of growers, traders and gardeners and meet a number of times during the year. Assessment criteria vary depending on local preferences however floriferousnous, hardiness and disease resistance are some of the most important features. Read more...
'New Leaves'
This project will identify novel foliage plant lines to feed into the cut foliage sector in Ireland in response to growing demand from export and home markets. In addition, information will be gathered on threats to this fledgling industry from pests and diseases that damage cut foliage plantations.
This research project is funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine's Competitive Research Funding Programmes. The duration of the project is from 2016 to 2020. Read more....
Fleuroselect trials of annual flowering plants.
Fleuroselect trials look at a species of annual flowering plants each year to demonstrate the ease of growth and diversity of the plants selected.
Fleuroselect trials look at a species of annual flowering plants each year to demonstrate the ease of growth and diversity of the plants selected. They are run in a number of countries in Europe and are a chance to see how well the species performs in in the Irish climate. See Fleuroselect trials page for details of the trials.