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Pest and Disease of Nursery Stock and Ornamental Plants

Pest and disease are a natural part of our environment. Producing plants in protected environments and in large numbers out doors can favour the development of pests and diseases.

Further disease information including Xylella can be found on the Teagasc plant health pages.

Root damage seen on plant on left, healthy plant on right

The Sustainable Use Directive applies to all growers. Its ethos is to to minimise the use of pesticides by prioritising the use of good growing techniques and integrated pest management .

In practice this means that grower will treat a pest and disease by firstly addressing the growing environment, secondly applying biological control if suitable, lastly using pesticides.

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) are responsible for implementing the regulatory system for plant protection and biocidal products. The Pesticide Registration and Controls Divisions of DAFM is the main source of information on pesticides for growers.

Video tutorial Using Key Features of the D.A.F.M. Pesticide Control Service website

'Box-tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis): Biology and Management' Factsheet: Box-tree moth (PDF)