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There is a very wide selection of these useful flavouring plants and only the enthusiast grows all of them. Room should be made in every garden for few of the more commonly used kinds. Choose a warm, sunny site for your herb garden.


Sow seed in April and thin or transplant to 15 cm apart. Will last for several years.


Plant in October or March in a cool, rich soil. Cut down the tops in autumn and cover with 5 cm of manure or compost.


Grow from seeds in April or cuttings in July or August. Plant 40 cm apart in a dry position. Each spring prune back the branches to ensure a supply of fresh growth.


Clumps may be bought from seedsmen and planted in early spring. Leaves are cut during summer as required.


This annual plant is grown for both its leaves and seeds. Direct drill from March to July for harvesting from May to October. For May harvest sow under protection or in a garden frame. Sow every 3 weeks for succession. This crop is prone to bolting so keep well watered to prevent checks to growth. This plant hails from the Mediterranean and doesn’t thrive outdoors in cool, wet summers. Coriander is surprisingly cold hardy once established.


There are two types of this popular herb: curly and flat leaved. The flat version is the more flavoursome of the two. The seed should be sown in March/ April, in lines 45 cm apart and thinned to 10 cm apart. A sowing may also be made in June/ July for winter and spring use. Parsley can also be raised in modules and planted out. It’s a biennial plant and several cuttings can be taken from a single sowing before the plants go to seed in May or June.