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Mechanical Weed Control in Vegetable Production


Weed management is a major challenge across many horticultural crops. In recent decades, there has been a revival of interest and investment in mechanical weed control. This is due to EU pesticide reduction targets, increasing problems with herbicide resistance and an increase in conversion to organic production. Mechanical weeding is the most common physical method used for weed control in vegetable crops. It is a key part of integrated pest management (IPM) for weeds.

The main focus here is on mechanical weeding methods for controlling weeds in the upper layer of soil in vegetable crops. The mechanical weeding machines, implements and technologies presented were demonstrated at the Crops and Cultivations Mechanical Weed Control Demonstration at Teagasc Oak Park on 21st June 2023. These included:

Downlaod PDF: Mechanical weed control in vegetable production

A brief overview of these specific mechanical weeding tools is provided here. It is not intended as a comprehensive review of mechanical weed control. Specifications and prices for the machines are available from distributors and manufacturers.

Teagasc Specialised Vegetable Advisors William Deasy, Andy Whelton and Eoin Sweetman have provided the information.


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