Radish which comes in a number of different shapes and sizes is divided into two main types: summer and winter.
Summer radishes are quick growing maturing in 4-8 weeks and are used in salads.
Winter radish is ready in 8-10 weeks and is much larger than its summer cousin; it can be eaten raw in salads or cooked like turnip or swede.
Sow summer radish from March to August and winter varieties from July to August. The summer crop can be thinly sown to aim for a final spacing of 15x3 cm. Allow more room for the winter crop – 15x15 cm.
Summer radish can be harvested when quite small – about 2 cm in diameter. They can go woody quite quickly so only sow in small batches and every two weeks if succession is required. The summer crop needs to be grown quickly so make sure to keep it well watered in dry spells.
Summer types: Cherry Belle, French Breakfast, Sparkler, Rudi
Winter types: China Rose
Flea beetle, slugs, cabbage root fly
Downy mildew, Rhizoctonia root rot