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Soil & Soil Fertility

The health of our soil is a key component to the efficient utilisation of soil nutrients in the production of food in an environmental and sustainable manner


Useful information


P & K Requirements for Spring Cereals

P & K requirements for Winter Cereals

Soil Sampling

Soil Fertility in Irish Soils - Soil pH and Liming

P and K for Winter Cereals

Phosphorus Build Up for Grassland Farms

Soils are the medium / raw material that we work with every day in the production of meat, milk, grain and fibre for both local and world markets. The health of our soils is a key component to the efficient utilisation of soil nutrients in the production of food in an environmental and sustainable manner.

To maximise the productivity of our soils it’s important that we understand there chemical, physical and biological properties. Soil testing is the starting point and the foundation to delivering the correct balance of both for major and minor nutrients.

We tend to look above ground at either the growing crop or the animals grazing on a particular part of our farms. Its however important to take out a spade and examine the soils structure / biological activity which can reveal a lot about the health of our soils.

Soil management is an important skill for maximising farm profitability plus it’s an important part of cross compliance which requires the maintenance of a farm fertiliser plan on an annual basis. This is a critical component of farming as the basic farm payment (BFP) now forms a significant income stream on many farms.

The information on this website aims to deliver useful crop nutrient advice from taking soil samples to correctly tailoring and formulating field and farm N, P & K advice.