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Fodder Crops


Kale is an excellent fodder crop and is grown for animal use from August to March. It prefers a soil pH 6.5 and has a high nutrient demand for N, P & K. All fertiliser can be applied at sowing or alternatively apply 50% of the N at sowing and the remaining 50% 2 to 3 weeks after crop emergence. Kale will produce 6 to 9t DM/ha.

Fodder Rape

Fodder rape is an excellent forage crop and is grown due to its ease of production and utilisation.  Similar to kale as it has a medium demand for N.  Apply all N at sowing time or split 50:50 between seedbed and the remaining 50% 2 to 4 weeks after emergence.  Fodder rape will produce 3.5 to 5t DM/ha.

Swedes/ Turnips

Swedes or turnips can be used for animal feed or human consumption. It prefers a soil pH 6.5 and has a medium to high nutrient demand for N, P & K. Apply all fertiliser at sowing time and work well into the seedbed. Apply boron as part of a boronated fertiliser or apply as a foliar B application at the 2 to 4 leaf stage of the crop and repeat application depending on crop demand / soil B levels.