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Kale & Fodder Rape


The N, P and K requirements for kale is shown in Tables 1 together with the accompanying footnotes.

Table 1: N, P and K for Kale1,2 (kg/ha)
Soil IndexNPK
1 150 60 220
2 130 50 210
3 100 30 170
4 70 0 0

1 For late-sown crops, reduce N by 20% if sown after April.
2 Advice assumes a yield of 40 tonnes/ha per cut. If yields are expected to be smaller, reduce the P and K application by 0.5 and 4 kg/ha for each tonne below 40.

Fodder Rape

The N, P and K requirements for fodder rape is shown in Tables 2 together with the accompanying footnotes.

Table 2: N, P and K for Fodder Rape (kg/ha)
Soil Index 1NPK
1 130 40 100
2 120 30 75
3 110 20 50
4 90 0 0