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Spring Oats

Spring Oats N Advice

Nitrogen recommendations (kg/ha) for Spring Oats based on soil N index and crop yield potential (t/ha)*
Soil N Index6.57.58.5
1 110 130 150
2 90 110 130
3 60 80 100
4 30 50 70
To convert kg/ha to units/ac multiply by 0.8

* Proof of higher grain yields is required for an additional 20kgN/ha for each one tonne above a base grain yield of 6.5t/ha

  • Higher grain yields shall be based on the best yield achieved in any of the 3 previous harvests, at 20% moisture content


N Programme for 7.5t/ha Spring Oats on soil N index 1 130kgN/ha

Crop Type3

Crop Emergence GS 30 (Stem Extension)



P & K Advice for Spring Oats

P & K Advice for Spring Oats based on different crop yields (kg/ha)
Soil P & K Index6.57.58.5
1 45 125 48.8 140 52.6 155
2 35 110 38.8 125 42.6 140
3 25 95 28.8 100 32.6 115
4 0 0 0 0 0 0
1The table above shows the level of P and K for Spring Oats based on soil P and K index and crop yield potentia.
2Additional P can be applied on the basis of proof of higher grain yields in anyone of the previous 3 years at 20% MC. An additional 3.8 kg P/ha for each extra one tonne above the base yield of 6.5 t/ha.
3 For oats increase/decrease K rates by 15kg K/ha for each tonne of grain increase or decrease in yield grain as shown in the above table.
Always adjust nutrient applications where organic manures are applied