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Spring Wheat

Spring Wheat N Advice


Nitrogen recommendations (kg/ha) for Spring Wheat based on soil N index and crop yield potential (t/ha)*
Soil N Index7.58.59.5
1 160 180 200
2 130 130 150
3 75 95 115
4 40 60 80
To convert kg/ha to units/ac multiply by 0.8

* Proof of higher grain yields is required for an additional 20kgN/ha for each one tonne above a base grain yield of 7.5t/ha

* Higher grain yields shall be based on the best yield achieved in any of the 3 previous harvests, at 20% moisture content.

Suggested N Programme for 9.5t/ha Spring Wheat on soil N index 1
Crop TypeSeedbedMid-TilleringGS 31/32
Feeding Wheat Option 1
50kg/ha 100kg/ha 50kg/ha
Feeding Wheat Option 2
50kg/ha 50 + 50kg/kg/ha
(Split during tillering)
Milling Wheat Option 3
50kg/ha 100kg/ha 70kg/ha
(+30kg/ha at grain fill)

* For thin crops to encourage tiller numbers, split nitrogen during tillering.
* Where milling wheat is grown under a milling contract an extra 30 kg/ha improve grain protein

Additional N is recommended for milling wheat varieties.

Apply additional 30 N kg N/ha is permitted for spring wheat grown under a milling contract with a merchant / co – op. It is recommended to apply this additional N at flag leaf emergence (GS 39) in the form of CAN fertiliser or an application of liquid N in the form of urea at the milky ripe stage (GS 71 – 75). This will increase the protein level by 0.5 – 1.0%.

P & K Advice for Spring Wheat

P & K Advice (kg/ha) for Spring Wheat based on different crop yields (kg/ha)
Soil P & K Index7.58.59.5
1 49 120 53 130 56 140
2 39 105 43 125 46 135
3 29 90 33 100 36 110
4 0 0 0 0 0 0
To convert kg/ha to units/ac multiply by 0.8
* Higher grain yields shall be based on the best yield achieved in any of the 3 previous harvests, at 20% moisture content.
*Where pH is greater than or equal to 7, 20kg P/ha may be applied on soils at phosphorus index 4.

* Always adjust nutrient applications where organic manures are applied