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FAQ: Lime

Q. What effect will lime have on soil P levels on acidic soils (pH 5.0 to 6.0)?

A. Liming acidic soils will increase the availability of P for plant uptake.

Q. How do I determine the quantity of lime required to correct soil pH?

A. A recent soil report will show the rate of lime required depending on the soil type, soil pH and crop type.

Q. How long will it take lime to work?

A. The fine ground limestone (35%) will work relatively fast, and the course lime particles will react more slowly and help maintain soil pH for a number of years.

Q. What is the maximum rate of lime in a single application?

A. Apply a maximum of 7.5t/ha (3.0t/ac). Where more lime is recommended apply 50% now and the balance after 2 years.

Q. Can slurry and lime be applied at the same time?

A. Where slurry is applied first, lime can be applied in 10 days. Where lime is applied first, one must wait 3 months before applying slurry.  This is to reduce the risk of N loss from slurry as lime will accelerate the loss of N.

Q. How long should one leave between spreading 10-10-20 or CAN and lime?

A. There is no need to leave a gap with CAN or N P K compounds.

Q. What is the target pH for grassland where my land is in a high molybdenum (Mo) area?

A. Maintain a soil pH 6.2 on these soils.

Q. When is the best time to apply lime to grassland soils?

A. Now is a good time (summer / autumn) of the year as it allows time for the lime to work and reduces issues in early spring with slurry / urea applications.

Q. When is the best time to apply lime to tillage soils?

A. Ideally apply lime to the ploughed / pressed soils and incorporate into the top 7.5 to 10cm of soil.

Q. When is the best time to apply lime to fields target for reseeding?

A. Ideally apply lime as recommended on the soil test report one year in advance of reseeding. Alternatively apply lime at time of reseeding and incorporate (5 to 10cm) into the seedbed before sowing.