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Fertiliser Types

Table of Nutrients

NutrientWhere It Comes FromWhat It Does

Nitrogen (N)

The atmosphere

Essential in protein formation

Phosphorus (P)

Shallow rock deposits formed by decay of ancient sea life

Essential for photosynthesis and other cellular processes

Potassium (K)

Deep rock deposits left behind by evaporation of ancient seas

Helps produce higher quality crops

Calcium (Ca)

Found around the world in rocks such as limestone and dolomite

Strengthens plant structure

Magnesium (Mg)

China has replaced the United States as the largest supplier

Essential for chlorophyll formation

Sulfur (S)

Commercial deposits found in volcanic regions such as Japan, Indonesia, and Sicilly

Essential for production of amino acids

Boron (B)

Primary sources of borax ore are Turkey and the United States

Important for healthy cell growth and pollen formation

Chlorine (CI)

Salt deposits (sodium chloride) found around the world

Helps plants manage water stress

Copper (Cu)

Largest producers are Chile, the United States, Indonesia, and Peru

Important catalyst for chemical reactions within plant cells

Iron (Fe)

Largest producers include China, Brazil, Australia, India, and Russia

Important catalyst for chemical reactions within plant cells

Manganese (Mn)

Most important sources are South Africa and Ukraine

Helps plants make chlorophyll and regulates several key enzymes

Molybdenum (Mb)

Keyproducers include the United States, Canada, Chile, Russia, and China

Helps plants use N and P more efficiently

Nickel (Ni)

Key producers include Canada and Siberia (Russia)

Helps plants regulate biochemical processes

Zinc (Zn)

Large deposits in Australia, Canada, and the United States

Helps plants form proteins, starches, and growth hormones