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Learner Checklist

  1. Read the Learner Handbook
  2. Attend your Course Induction
  3. Discuss your PLP requirements with your family and friends
  4. Complete and submit a Learner PLP Request Form
  5. Attend safety and PLP induction training
  6. Complete a PLP induction meeting with your nominated host
  7. Bring your driving licence to the induction meeting
  8. Confirm PLP arrangements with your host
  9. Return documentation to your PLP officer 
  10. Commence PLP on schedule 
  11. Provide tax credit details to your host 
  12. Attend PLP on time as scheduled 
  13. Comply with requirements regarding safety, bio-security and confidentiality agreed with your host 
  14. Keep your PLP diary up to date weekly 
  15. Communicate any concerns or issues to your PLP officer 
  16. Report any accidents to your PLP Officer
  17. Discuss PLP and any issues with your PLP Supervisor
  18. Complete PLP and submit your PLP diary for correction
  19. Complete the end of PLP survey
  20. Complete end of course survey

Host Checklist

  1. Compliance with health and safety requirements
  2. Maintain required insurance cover in place
  3. Completion of Tusla Introduction to Child First e-learning programme
  4. Compliance with Garda vetting requirements
  5. Compliance with measures to protect minors undertaking PLP
  6. Complete and submit a Host PLP Request form 
  7. Attend Teagasc PLP briefings
  8. Complete a PLP induction meeting with your nominated learner
  9. Review the driving license of your learner at the induction meeting
  10. Confirm PLP arrangements, including agreed weekly hours and payment with your learner
  11. Return documentation to your PLP officer
  12. Complete induction and safety training with your learner
  13. Get tax credit details from your learner
  14. Make your Risk Assessment Document/Safety Statement available
  15. Make information available to allow the learner to complete their PLP diary
  16. Sign the PLP diary weekly
  17. Communicate any concerns or issues to your PLP officer
  18. Report within 24 hours any accidents to your PLP officer
  19. Cooperate with Teagasc accident investigations
  20. Implement any recommendations arising from an accident investigation
  21. Discuss any issues/concerns with the PLP supervisor
  22. Complete and submit on schedule the end of PLP feedback form