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Requirements for a Valid PLP

The following PLP procedures must be adhered to:

  • Learners must complete the Practical Learning Period on a Teagasc approved host farm.
  • Learners under 23 cannot complete the practical learning period on their own family/relations farm.
  • Learners are not permitted to undertake PLP within 10 km of their home.
  • Learners must make their own travel arrangements with regard to commuting to and from the host farm.
  • The normal period of PLP will consist of a minimum 7 daily hours - 35 hours over 5 days - Monday to Friday. PLP cannot be completed in less than 5 days per week (excluding Bank Holiday weeks).
  • Host farmers are required to have the following insurance cover in place for the duration of the placement:
    • Employer’s Liability (€13million minimum).
    • Public Liability insurance cover (€2.6 million minimum).
    • Adequate motor insurance.
    Evidence of insurance must be provided on request to Teagasc.
  • Host farmers are required to provide Teagasc with an Electrical Installation Certificate stamped or signed by a qualified electrician every 3 years.
  • Host farmers are required to have an up to date Safety Statement or Risk Assessment Document. Learners must be shown this document at the commencement of PLP and it must be available to them at all times.
  • Learners are required to comply with all aspects of the host farmer’s Risk Assessment Document or Safety Statement while on PLP.
  • Host farmers must ensure that all equipment and work practices are safe and that the learner is not asked to operate any unsafe equipment or follow any unsafe procedures while on PLP.
  • Host farmers may be required to check the driving licence of the learner to comply with motor insurance arrangements in place on the farm. 
  • Wellington boots and overalls should be provided by the learner. For biosecurity reasons boots and overalls used on PLP should not be used for any other farm operations.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required for farm work must be supplied by the host farmer e.g. goggles for liming cubicles.
  • On-farm safety re-inspection audits are completed every 3 years by PLP Officers and or other nominated staff.
  • Host farmers must complete the online Tusla Introduction to Child First e-learning programme and submit a copy of the programme completion certificate to the National Placement Specialist. This programme can be accessed here on the Tusla website 
  • Learners and hosts receive a formal email of introduction from Teagasc prior to the commencement of the PLP.
  • Learners must undertake an induction meeting with their host farmer before PLP can be approved by Teagasc.
  • Learners must be supervised while on PLP by a full time farmer or farm manager.
  • Hosts must provide access to a toilet and canteen/kitchen facilities for learners.
  • During PLP the learner is required to complete a practical learning diary. This is an essential part of PLP assessment. The host farmer is required to provide the necessary information to allow the learner to complete the diary to a satisfactory standard.
  • All hours worked by the learner are to be recorded in the PLP diary and signed by the host farmer each week.
  • Learners are visited by a Teagasc supervisor during PLP to ensure that training is satisfactory for both learner and host. The host farmer and learner are obliged to be present during the supervisory visits. Prior notification will be given to the host and learner before the visit takes place
  • To satisfy the course PLP requirements, the learner must complete the minimum number of training days with the host farmer.
  • Sick leave entitlements do not apply. Learners who do not complete the minimum number of PLP days with the host farmer will be obliged to complete outstanding days at a later date.
  • Host farmers must complete and submit a Host Farmer PLP Report at the end of the learning period. This form must be returned to the appropriate college within 1 week of the completion of PLP.
  • It is recommended that learners attend events with their host farmer during PLP e.g. Discussion group meetings, farm walks, open days or the mart.
  • The host farmer can expect learners to make a considerable contribution to the daily running and management of the business while allowing time to develop a good rapport with the host farmer in a new setting.

While it is essential that the above conditions are adhered to, it is equally important for the learner and host farmer to realise that PLP is primarily an educational situation and an essential part of the Teagasc training
It is important that learners are taught new skills and are given time to perfect existing skills. The learner and host farmer are expected to adhere to the spirit of learning and make every effort possible to make PLP worthwhile and enriching.
PLP requirements are periodically reviewed and updated by Teagasc. Learners and hosts will be informed of changes to PLP conditions and made aware of any new PLP requirements.
Where learners or hosts fail to adhere to requirements of Teagasc PLP conditions PLP arrangements can be terminated.