Selection & Training of Host Units
Criteria for Selection of Host Units
PLP requirements are periodically reviewed and updated by Teagasc and therefore selection criteria for host units will routinely be monitored, assessed and updated as part of requirements of the learning objectives of PLP modules.
The training environment of a host will be assessed and monitored for suitability regarding:
- Safety, Health and Welfare at Work.
- Learner welfare.
- Learning experience.
- Communications and mentoring skills of the host.
- Standard of farming and enterprises management.
- Compliance with specific Teagasc PLP requirements relating to child safety, protection of minors, Garda vetting, insurance and accident reporting.
- Knowledge of Teagasc training programmes and the role of the PLP in programmes.
- Accommodation (where supplied), meals and working conditions (hours, time-off, etc.).
The National Placement Specialist will inform host farmers of any new mandatory requirements for PLP that is required by Teagasc to be completed.
Training for Agricultural Hosts
The role of the host farmer is to provide the opportunity for practical skills learning for the learner. It is important, that hosts have the necessary skills to assist the learner in learning and improving competency and management practices.
For successful PLP, host farmers require empathy, understanding, patience and a genuine interest in supporting the learning experience. Hosts require a knowledge of the courses that the learner is completing to ensure the learner gets the training they require to successfully complete the course.
Host farmers need to have a good understanding of the Teagasc agricultural training programmes and their role in supporting training during PLP.
Host farmers should be competent in the following:
- Communications.
- Instruction and training techniques.
- Coaching and people management.
- Safety management.
- Farming to a high standard.
- Competent in the skills and husbandry associated with their farm enterprises.
- Compliant with animal welfare and other compliance requirements.
- Familiar with employment law and Revenue requirements.
As the learning period is a key element of Teagasc courses, host farmers will be required to attend training with Teagasc to assist them in providing an effective learning environment for the learner.
Training involves mandatory attendance at annual host farmer briefings organised by each individual agricultural college