Teagasc Short Courses for Adults and Industry
Teagasc offer a wide range of courses for adults and agri-food sector employees. Many of these courses are accredited. The list below is not exhaustive. Please contact your Teagasc Education Officer or your Teagasc Advisory Region or college for advice on available Teagasc courses in your region. Courses are provided subject to demand and staff resources being available.
Crop Nutrition Management
The Level 6 component award in Managing Crop Nutrition (QQI accredited) is aimed at those working in the crop nutrition sector. The course will equip learners with the relevant knowledge and skill to assess forage, cereal and root crop nutrient requirements and to recommend applied nutrients to maximise return in an environmentally safe manner. For further information contact Veronica Nyhan, phone 057 8682176 or email veronica.nyhan@teagasc.ie.
Energy Crop Management
The purpose of the Level 6 component award in Energy Crop Management (QQI accredited) is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to manage the production and marketing of energy crops and forestry bio-mass. Target participants include grower groups (supply chains), farmers, agricultural consultants, local and regional policy makers, financial institutions, and the insurance industry. For further information contact Barry Caslin, phone 059 9183413, email barry.caslin@teagasc.ie.
Discussion Groups
Teagasc has a network of discussion groups covering all major farm enterprises – beef, sheep, dairy, tillage, equine and poultry. These groups provide a key support to the agri-food sector in building its knowledge and gaining the skills base to underpin continued growth and competitiveness. Discussion groups normally comprise of 12–20 farmers coming together on a regular basis to discuss issues of mutual interest. They operate on the basis that adults learn better from each other with the facilitator merely guiding the discussion as opposed to the traditional classroom, student/teacher model. For further details contact any local Teagasc centre.
Dairy related courses
Milking Process Technique
The purpose of this (QQI accredited Level 6 component award) practical course is to equip the learner to manage the dairy herd milking process in terms of milk quality, food safety, herd health and cow welfare. Target participants include both dairy farmers and specialised milkers. Contact Padraig O’Connor, phone 046 9026726, email padraig.oconnor@teagasc.ie
Industry Training for Milking Machine Installation
Teagasc provides this training course for milking machine testers and installers on behalf of IMQCS (the Irish Milk Quality Co-Operative Society Ltd). The training course is targeted at milking machine technicians who aim to achieve certification in milking machine testing and installation and have their names listed on the IMQCS Directory of Milking Machine Testers and Installers. The course is also beneficial to veterinary surgeons, consultants and others working in the area of milk quality. More information available on www.milkquality.ie and from Francis Quigley, phone 051 644445, email francis.quigley@teagasc.ie
Level 6 Dairy New Entrant Course (Farm Expansion Planning)
This course is aimed at people planning to establish a new dairy farm enterprise. The course covers the core principles of successful dairying and provides the practical skills required to establishing a successful dairy enterprise. Topics covered include goal setting, financial planning, grassland management, farm infrastructure, labour requirements, milk quality and animal health. On successful completion of the course, participants will receive a QQI accredited Level 6 special purpose award in Farm Expansion Planning (6S2745). Contact Eithne Gowen, phone 025 69182, email eithne.gowen@teagasc.ie
Managing Labour on Farms
This course assists farmers who are currently employing, or planning to employ staff on a farm. The course covers the principles relating to work planning; time management and supervising staff. Topics covered in the course include how to hire staff, employment law, staff management, rewarding employees and safety, health and welfare of employees. Contact Eithne Gowen, phone 025 69182, email eithne.gowen@teagasc.ie
Equine Courses
Distance Learning Horse Breeding Short Course
Typically this programme runs over a six-eight week period with tutor support for the duration. This course covers setting breeding objectives, anatomy and physiology of the mare, husbandry of mares and young stock up to weaning. A full day on farm is also part of the course. Further details from Wendy Conlon, phone 091 845291, email wendy.conlon@teagasc.ie or www.teagasc.ie/equine
Grass10 Grazing Management course
This course aims to develop the participant’s knowledge of growing and managing grass and the use of grass management tools in making decisions. This course is for Dairy, Beef & Sheep farmers who want to grow more grass, and manage their grass better. This course takes place over 2 years part time (participants meeting 6 to 10 times per year) focused on farm practical experience with Advisors/Specialists & Farmer Coaches in support. For more information contact Eithne Gowen, phone 025 69182, email eithne.gowen@teagasc.ie.
Forestry Courses
Teagasc provide a range of short courses and training events in forestry. Skills training covers subjects such as tree planting, timber measurement, stack measurement, and formative shaping. Short courses are also available in: Introduction to Forestry; Sustainable Forest Management; Post-Harvest Training; Woodland Management/Regeneration; Wood Energy Course. Courses are provided subject to demand, visit www.teagasc.ie/forestry for more.
Business courses
Talking Money - Farm Finance Explained
The course aims to improve participants understanding of basic farm accounts terminology, the mechanics of farm accounts, decision making based on farm accounts and managing cash flow using the Teagasc Cost Control Planner. The course will be delivered over three half days. Method of delivery includes case studies, practical exercises, short videos, presentations and class discussion. Contact your local Teagasc Advisory Office for more.
Business Strategy for Farmers Course (Teagasc / Smurfit Business School)
This is a six day course open to all farm enterprises. The course is delivered by Smurfit Business School, and supported by Teagasc mentor subject to demand. Participants will be brought through the process of developing their own strategic plan for themselves and their business. Contact Mark Moore 059 9183501 or mark.moore@teagasc.ie
Teagasc run Options workshops which aim to provide new thinking and generate new ideas both on and off farm. The workshops are free of charge and are aimed at both farmers and rural dwellers interested in increasing their income and/or looking at rural diversification opportunities. Areas explored include getting farm financially fit, rural tourism, artisan food production, alternative land-use options and scheme and grant support. Contact your local Teagasc Advisory Office for more or visit www.opt-in.ie/options
Goat Farming
Information on goat farming can be obtained from Cian Condon, phone 071 9855203, email
Mechanical Hedge Cutting Contractors Course
This course aims to equip the learner with the relevant knowledge, skill and competence to
carry out mechanical hedge trimming and hedgerow maintenance. Courses arranged subject
to demand based at the Salesian Agricultural College, Pallaskenry, Co Limerick.
Contact Salesian Agricultural College, Pallaskenry 061 393100.
Organic Farming
The Level 5 Introduction to Organic Farming course (QQI accredited component award) is
aimed at those both looking to enter organic farming and to those who have recently entered
the sector. The course will equip learners with the knowledge and skills regarding the
principles of organic production, how to interpret organic production standards, and how to
assess the economic viability and market opportunities for organic production. This course
satisfies the educational requirement to enter the DAFM Organic Farming Scheme (OFS). For
further information contact Elaine Leavy, phone 046 9026711, email elaine.leavy@teagasc.ie or
Joe Kelleher@teagasc.ie.
Welfare of Animals during Transport
Teagasc is the provider of the course that leads to a DAFM Certificate of Competence for
the Protection of Animals during Transport (EU regulation). This certificate, which on
successful completion of the course, is awarded by DAFM, covers the transport of all livestock,
poultry and pets, other than horses. Course details are available through Ballyhaise Agricultural College 049 4338108 or Kildalton Agricultural College 051 644440.