Salesian Agricultural College Pallaskenry
Salesian Agricultural College Pallaskenry is located 16km to the west of Limerick City adjacent to the picturesque Shannon Estuary. It is situated on a 222 hectare estate of lush “golden vale” farmland.
Virtual College Open Day June 2020
The Salesian Agricultural College has been involved in agricultural education since 1922. Courses are offered in both Agriculture and Farm Machinery/Mechanisation. These programmes are run in partnership with Limerick Institute of Technology, Teagasc, QQI, City and Guilds, FÁS and the ETB.
The college has excellent teaching and recreational facilities. An Information Technology Centre contains 40 computers with internet and email access. There are also a range of engineering/machinery workshops to facilitate the delivery of the colleges specialised machinery programmes. Recreational facilities include an indoor heated swimming pool, an all-weather soccer pitch, football/hurling pitches and a games room. Full-time recreational students are accommodated in high quality, newly renovated single and double rooms.
The College Farm
The dairy herd is one of the largest in the agricultural college sector. There is a 465 cow high EBI dairy herd. The herd is entirely spring calving and the aim is to produce high yields of milk solids, primarily from grazed grass. The cows are milked in a 50 unit rotary milking parlour. There are 65 dairy calves and 100 mid season lambing ewes.
Derek O’Donoghue, Principal
Salesian Agricultural College,
Co. Limerick.
V94 V8N3
Phone: 061 393100