Video Gallery
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Horticultural Apprenticeship Employers Webinar
On Friday, 17th May a live webinar took place regarding key updates on the Horticultural Apprenticeship Programme, aimed at both SOLAS Approved Employers and Employers interested in, or undergoing, the approval process for taking part in the Programme.
The webinar covers key dates for 2024-2025 intake of Apprentices, overview of SOLAS Approval Process & commitments required by Employers / Apprentice Mentors.
Session includes Q&A with attendees, breakdown of overall Programme structure & testimonials.
Information Webinar about Teagasc Horticultural Apprenticeships
What use are 1,000 bramble specimens? How can collections of dead plants help with sustainability and climate change? Why are Botanic Gardens Important? Do you have to be interested in horticulture to have a future in the industry? These and other questions are explored in this fascinating video.
Sustaining Plant Diversity into the Future - Teagasc & the National Botanic Gardens Science Week 2020. This video was introduced by Damien O'Reilly.
A Taste of the Future - Teagasc Ashtown Food Research Centre (Science Week 2020)