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Agriculture Courses

Kildalton College Agriculture course options:

  1. Level 5 Certificate in Agriculture.
  2. Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Dairy Herd Management.
  3. Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Drystock Management.
  4. Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Crops and Machinery.

Other options:

Green Cert

The ‘Green Cert’ refers to a list of land based courses which qualifies a person as a ‘trained farmer’. Having a ‘Green Cert’ is one of the conditions of stamp duty exemption on the transfer of a farm to a close relation such as a son or daughter. It also meets the criteria for schemes or grants that may be available from time to time e.g. Young Farm Scheme.

In Teagasc Kildalton College, students achieve a ‘Green Cert’ on completion of the Level 5 Certificate in Agriculture and a Level 6 Advanced Certificate course. A Level 5 Certificate in Agriculture does not meet the requirements for a 'Green Cert'.


Distance Education Kildalton College