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Technologies to Reduce Emissions


Benefits of white clover

Incorporating white clover in grassland swards has the potential to reduce costs, improve profitability and reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Tables 1 and 2).

How does white clover save on chemical N?

White clover fixes nitrogen (N). N fixation is the process whereby white clover can fix N from the atmosphere and make it available for plant growth, thereby reducing the requirement for chemical fertiliser N.


✓ Can increase growth compared to grass-only swards.
✓ Increased animal intake in summer and autumn.
✓ Increased milk production and liveweight gain.
✓ Increased N fixation.
✓ Lower requirement for N fertiliser application in summer.

Read full factsheet on Clover here Clover (pdf) 


Protected Urea

What is protected urea?

Protected urea is a urea nitrogen (N) fertiliser made safe from ammonia loss through the addition of a urease inhibitor.

Why change to protected urea now?

Protected urea is the technology that has the potential to give the largest and quickest reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) and ammonia emissions within agriculture, and will grow more grass than either CAN or urea.

How does it affect grass growth?

While the quantity of grass grown by using CAN, protected urea and urea was similar across all fertiliser types in shortterm Teagasc trials, in a long-term trial at Johnstown Castle, Co. Wexford, protected urea grew 13% more grass on average compared to standard urea.

Find about more about Protected Urea - download the factsheet here Protected Urea (pdf)