Dairy Farmers - Centenary Thurles & Tipperary Co-op
Centenary Thurles

John & Debbie Sheridan, Borrisoleigh, Thurles, Co. Tipperary
John and Debbie Sheridan are farming in Killoskehane, Borrisoleigh, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. They have a young family and use some weekend help. They are currently farming 68ha. They are stocked at 211kg N/ha. In 2021 they milked 122 cows. The EBI of the herd is €153 & the heifers are €174. The 6 week calving rate is 73%. The cows produced 472kg MS/cow in 2020. Soil type is heavy to medium clay. Its a late Spring grass farm. Facilities on the farm is very good for housing and feed storage while milking facilities and grazing infrastructure are good.
Tipperary Co-op

Edwin Thompson, Kilmore House, Golden, Co. Tipperary
Edwin is farming in Kilmore House, Golden, Co. Tipperary. There are 2 family members working on the farm with one hired person. They are currently farming 86ha. They are stocked at 193kg N/ha. In 2021 they milked 150 cows. The EBI of the herd is €158 and the heifers are €181. The 6 week calving rate is 84%. The cows produced 505kg MS/cow in 2020. Grass grown on the farm in 2020 was 14.2t DM/ha. Soil type is heavy clay. Facilities on the farm is very good for milking facilities, housing and grazing infrastructure.

Solohead Research Farm, Limerick Junction, Co. Tipperary
In Solohead Research Farm 52ha is owned by Tipperary Co-op and used by Teagasc for dairy systems research. The farm area in 2021 was 56ha, 4ha rented. In 2021 136 cows were milked. Average herd EBI was €172. In 2020 764,795 litres of milk were supplied. The 6 week calving rate was 80%. Fertilizer N use was 90kg/ha in 2021. There is a high reliance on clover in swards. Dairy infrastructure on the farm is good. The soil on the farm consist of 20cm of good topsoil on top of a heavy clay (marl) lowly-permeable subsoil.