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Signpost Events 2022

Signpost Sustainability Week 2022

Farming for a Better Future

Signpost Sustainability Week 2022 Friday, 14 October - Friday, 21 October 2022 Farming for a Better Future

Friday, 14 October - Friday, 21 October 2022

Sustainability Week 2022 consisted of a series of public in person and virtual events: Farm Walks | WebinarsPodcasts 

Click on the events to get more information from the week

Farm Walks



See details of the events taking place throughout the week below:

Programme of Events

Friday, 14 October  |  9.30am

First steps to achieving our emissions reduction target

On this webinar which took place on Friday, 14 October, Mark Gibson, Head of Teagasc Outreach & Innovation Department, Teagasc was joined in studio by Dr Seamus Kearney, Teagasc Signpost Programme and Dr Deirdre Hennessey, Teagasc to discuss the first steps to achieving our emissions reduction target – reducing emissions from chemical N. The panel were also joined on farm by Signpost Dairy Farmer Edwin Thompson, Teagasc Tipperary Joint Programme and Shane O Hanlon, Teagasc Signpost Programme Advisor who gave an overview of the steps that Edwin is taking on the farm to reduce emissions from chemical N.

Watch webinar recording below

Monday, 17 October

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are greenhouse gases generated by agriculture, which have a negative impact on climate change. In agriculture methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) are the most important. Agriculture contributes over one third of Ireland’s national greenhouse gas emissions. Agriculture now has a target of a 25% reduction ion greenhouse gasses to be achieved by 2030.

Click here for more information on reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Webinar - Launch of the Teagasc Sustainability Report 2021

The Teagasc Rural Economy programme published the annual Teagasc Sustainability Report for 2021, which is based on data collected from farmers through the National Farm Survey. The reports tracks the economic, social and environmental sustainability of Irish farms. 

 button to view the webinar

View presentation Signpost year one results presentation for Signpost webinar October 17th 2022 (PDF)

Podcast - The Environment Edge Special Edition - Reducing N and GHG losses

A special episode of The Environment Edge was released on Monday, 17 October featuring Signpost farmer, Trevor Boland from Co. Sligo along with Future Beef Programme Advisor Gabriel Trayers.  Trevor farms in a heavy soils area, more prone to N2O losses and this podcast will focus on what is being done on the farm to reduce N and GHG losses. 

Listen to the episode of The Environment Edge Podcast below

Tuesday, 18 October

Teagasc Arrabawn Signpost Dairy Farm Walk  |  11am - 1pm

Conor is farming in Tynagh in Galway in partnership with his parents Vincent and Mary, and wife Orla. They are currently farming 100Ha, of which 20 is rented. The milking platform is 42Ha and is stocked at 3.2 cows/Ha. In 2021 they milked 128 cows. The EBI of the herd is €174 and the heifers are €253. The 6 week calving rate is 82%. The cows produced 430kg MS/cow in 2020. The farm grew 13t DM/Ha in 2020. Facilities on the farm are good with a new 24 unit parlour installed this year, 130 cubicle spaces available and good grazing infrastructure throughout the farm.

Father and son duo Vincent and Conor O’Brien farm together with the help of Ivor Glennon. Also present on the farm is Vincent’s wife, Mary, and Conor’s wife and kids, Orla, Frank, Alex and Kate. The O’Brien team are keen to ensure their farm is as sustainable as possible and recently invested in a state-of-the-art milking parlour and cow drafting system to provide a more efficient and safe working environment. A relatively new addition to the dairy world, Conor joined his father on the farm three years ago. Vincent had just acquired an adjacent farm and they decided to begin increasing the herd numbers together. Although their passion clearly lies in dairy farming, the duo are conscious that maintaining a healthy work life balance is of the utmost importance.

There has been a major focus on clover on the O’Brien family farm in recent years. On the day of the farm walk there will be a discussion on the establishment and management of grass clover swards. Clover content in some of the paddocks will be assessed and scored on the day.

Munster Bovine will be discussing the importance of the final milk recording and selective dry cow therapy. The average somatic cell count on the O’Brien farm is 36,000 cells/ml in 2022 which is excellent. This has been achieved through a major focus on hygiene at milking time as well as excellent milking facilities. 

Topics discussed included

  • How to reduce carbon footprint
  • Clover management & establishment
  • Water quality
  • Importance of final milk recording and drying off cows
  • Autumn grass management & fodder options

Speakers were as follows

  • Thomas Murphy, Teagasc
  • Shane O’Hanlon, Teagasc Signpost Advisor
  • Ivan Kelly, Teagasc ASSAP Advisor
  • Caitlin Looney, Teagasc
  • Munster Bovine Representative

Wednesday, 19 October

Improving Soil Health

Teagasc has a long history of soils research and is currently working at the cutting edge of soils research in association with national and international collaborators. The current Teagasc programme focuses on the chemical, physical and biological health of agricultural soils and the development of sustainable soil management advice which enhances soil functions including soil biodiversity, carbon sequestration, nutrient cycling, productivity, and water purification and storage.

Click here to read about some of the work being carried out within the Soil Programme in Teagasc

Friday, 21 October | 9:30am

How Teagasc can help farmers improve sustainability on their farms

On the Teagasc Signpost webinar series on Friday, 21 October at 9:30am Prof. Frank O’Mara, Director of Teagasc Signpost Programme, launched the Signpost Sustainability Results. While Dr. Tom O’Dwyer, Head of the Signpost Programme presented and discussed the results to date. The Signpost Programme ‘Farmers for climate action’, includes over 60 organisations and companies, and includes over 120 demonstration farmers across the range of farming enterprises. 

View the webinar below 

Signpost Programme General Assembly 2022

The Signpost Programme General Assembly took place on Monday the 29th of August at Clayton's Hotel in County Wexford. The purpose of this assembly is to bring Signpost Programme Partners and the Signpost Programme Farmers together for an update on progress from the programme, emerging research, policies and Signpost Programme planning for 2023. Please see presentations below from the General Assembly.

The Signpost Programme Progress Report pdf

Greenhouse Gas Emission in the Agriculture Sector pdf

Climate Challenges Ahead - A Farmers Perspective pdf

Carbon Sequestration Update pdf

Emerging Technologies to Improve Indicators of Soil Health pdf

New Technologies to Improve Nitrogen Use Efficiency pdf

Reducing Gaseous Emissions from Manure by Use of an Oxygen Based Amendment pdf

Switching from Ammonium Based Fertiliser Can Reduce N20 pdf

The Use of Multispecies Swards to Improve the Soil Microbiome pdf

Managing Fertiliser Use in 2022 - Signpost Partner Briefing - January 19th 
