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Scientific Publications


  • Bacher, M. G., Schmidt, O., Bondi, G., Creamer, R. E., & Fenton, O. (2019). Comparison of Soil Physical Quality Indicators using direct and indirect data inputs derived from a combination of in-situ and ex-situ methods. Soil Science Society of America Journal.  doi: 10.2136/sssaj2018.06.0218.
  • Emmet-Booth, J. P., Forristal, P. D., Fenton, O., Bondi, G., & Holden, N. M. (2019). Visual soil evaluation–Spade vs. profile methods and the information conveyed for soil managementSoil and Tillage Research, 187, 135-14



  • Fenton, O., Vero, S., Schulte, R. P., O’Sullivan, L., Bondi, G., & Creamer, R. E. (2017). Application of Dexter’s soil physical quality index: an Irish case study. Irish journal of agricultural and food research, 56(1), 45-53.