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James Rambaud

James Rambaud - How Carbon is measured on Farms Final

May 27, 2022


Highlights from the Signpost programme village at the Moorepark Open Day

Episode 16

Oct 4, 2021

The latest Environment Edge podcast went to the Moorpark open day recently where Cathal Somers and Deirdre Glynn spoke to farmers, researchers, students and advisors in the Signpost programme village. Hear from Tom O’Dwyer, Head of the Teagasc Signpost programme as well as topics such as how carbon and methane is measured, how clover can change the game, the MACC curve and research in Johnstown Castle. Most interesting of all, hear from Waterford farmer John Leamy and his son Darragh who tells us about an interesting sustainability project he carried out in school. For more episodes and information from the Environment Edge, visit the show page at: https://www.teagasc.ie/environmentedge/

James Rambaud - A Day in the Life 

Nov 10, 2020

James Rambaud, a Research Technician at Teagasc Environment Research Centre, Johnstown Castle, on carbon sequestration. Have you ever seen what effect having too much CO2 has on our atmosphere? Here we have a small experiment that you can try at home which demonstrates the effect.