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  1. McAleer, E., Coxon, C., Mellander, P-E., Grant, J. and Richards, P. (2022). Patterns and drivers of groundwater and stream nitrate concentrations in intensvely managed agricultural catchments. Water 14(9), 1388. Access 
  2. Manley, A., Collins, A.L., Joynes, A., Mellander, P-E., and Jordan, P. (2022). Coupled steroid and phosphorus leaching from cattle slurry at lysimeter scale. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. Open access 
  3. Mellander, P-E., Lynch, M.B., Galloway, J., Žurovec, O., McCormack, M., O'Neill, M., Hawtree, D., and Burgess, E. (2022)Benchmarking a decade of holistic agro-environmental studies within the Agricultural Catchments Programme. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research. Open access
  4. Atcheson, K., Mellander, P-E., Cassidy, R., Cook, S., Floyd, S., McRoberts, C., Morton, P.A. and Jordan, P. (2022). Quantifying MCPA load pathways at catchment scale using high temporal resolution dataWater Research, 220, 118654. Open access
  5. McGinley, J., Harmon-O’Driscoll, J., Healy, M.G., Ryan, P.C., Mellander, P-E., Morrison, L., Callery, O. and Siggins, A. (2022). An assessment of potential pesticide transmission to waterways, considering soil texture and pesticide properties. Soil Use and Management, 38 (2). Open access
  6. Harmon-O’Driscoll, J., Siggins, A., Healy, M.G., McGinley, J., Mellander, P-E., Morrison, L. and Ryan, P. (2022). A risk ranking of pesticides for chronic health effects in Irish drinking water. Science of the Total Environment, 829. Open access
  7. Vero, S.E., Datta, S., Mellander, P-E., Morton, P.A., Floyd, S., Cassidy, R., Uwimana, A. and van Dam, A.A. (2022). Agricultural case studies: Nutrient pressures in an intensively managed agricultural catchment. Encyclopaedia of Inland Waters (2nd Edition), 4, 68-83. Access
  8. Fresne, M., Jordan, P., Daly, K., Fenton, O. and Mellander, P-E. (2022). The role of colloids and other fractions in the below-ground delivery of phosphorus from agricultural hillslopes to streams. CATENA, 208. Open access
  9. Mellander, P-E., Galloway, J., Hawtree, D. and Jordan, P. (2022). Phosphorus mobilization and delivery estimated from long-term high frequency water quality and discharge data. Frontiers in Water 4. Open access
  10. Vero, S.E., Doody, D., Cassidy, R., Higgins, S., Nicholl, G., Campbell, J., Mellander, P-E., McDonald, N., Burgess, E., Daly, K. and Sherry, E. (2022). Comparison of soil phosphorus index systems for grassland in the cross-border region of Ireland. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 185 (1), 110-119. Open access
  11. McGinley, J., Healy, M.G., Ryan, P., Mellander, P-E., Harmon-O’Driscoll, J., Morrison, L. and Siggins, A. (2022). Batch adsorption of herbicides from aqueous solution onto diverse reusable materials and granulated activated carbon. Journal of Environmental Management Vol (323). Access
  12. Jennings, E., de Eyto, E., Dillane, M., Mellander, P-E., Regan, F., Wilkes, R., O’Neill, M., Briciu-Burghina, C., Antunes, P., Jordan, P., Arnscheidt, J., Linnane, S., McCarthy, V., McElarney, Y., Ó hUallacháin, D., Rolston, A. and Wynne, C. (2022). Using high frequency in-situ monitoring to gain new insights into Irish aquatic systems. Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Vol. 122, No. 3, 201–221. Access

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