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Posters/Talks, etc (2014 - 2007)

Presentations 2014

  1. EGU General Assembly 2014 - Mellander P-E, Jordan P, Shore M, Melland AR. Phosphorus delivery via groundwater in agricultural river catchments. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 16, EGU2014-6413, 2014. Abstract
  2. EGU General Assembly 2014 - Jordan P, Melland A, Shore M, Mellander P-E, Shortle G, Ryan D, Crockford L, Macintosh K, Campbell J, Arnscheidt J, Cassidy R. The ‘fine structure’ of nutrient dynamics in rivers: ten years of study using high-frequency monitoring. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 16, EGU2014-12387, 2014. Abstract
  3. EGU General Assembly 2014 - Melland AR, Shore M, Mellander P-E, McDonald N, Shortle G, Murphy P, Jordan P. Critical source times for nutrient loss in agricultural catchment streams. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 16, EGU2014-10464, 2014. Abstract
  4. EGU General Assembly 2014 - Shore M, Jordan P, Mellander P-E, Kelly-Quinn M, Wall D, Murphy P, Melland A. Source and transport factors influencing storm phosphorus losses in agricultural catchments. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 16, EGU2014-10768, 2014. Abstract
  5. EGU General Assembly 2014 - McAleer E, Mellander P-E, Coxon C, Richards K. Nitrogen attenuation along delivery pathways in agricultural catchments. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 16, EGU2014-13328, 2014. Abstract
  6. ENVIRON 2014 - Thomas I, Jordan P, Shine O, Mellander P-E, Fenton O, Dunlop P, Buckley C, Murphy P. Comparing LiDAR and conventional resolution digital elevation models for spatial modelling of nutrient loss pathways and critical source areas.
  7. AGFORUM 2014 - Sherriff S, Rowan JS, Melland A, Jordan P, Mellander P-E, Murphy P, Fenton O, Ó hUallachái D. Factors controlling sediment export in three Irish agricultural catchments and implications for sediment management.
  8. IAH 2014 - McAleer E, Mellander P-E, Coxon C, Richards KG. Spatial and temporal variation of groundwater nitrate in two contrasting catchments.
  9. FBA 2014 - Doran L, Kelly Quinn M, Mellander P-E, Ó hUallacháin D. The impact of acute and chronic hydrochemical disturbances on stream ecology; implications for agricultural policy.
  10. Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists 2014 - Jordan P, Mellander P-E, Shortle G. High resolution nutrient data: definition and challenges for monitoring in agricultural catchments.

Posters 2014

  1. N.T McDonald, S.F. Graham, C.J. Watson, A. Gordon, R.J Laughlin, S.T.J. Lalor, C.T. Elliott, D.P. Wall. Using 1H NMR profiling to identify soil metabolites related to nitrogen mineralisation, 18th International Nitrogen Workshop, June 30th to 3rd July, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.

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Presentations 2013

  1. AGFORUM 2013- McDonald, N.T., Wall, D.P., Watson, C.J., Laughlin, R.J., Lalor, S.T.J., & Hoekstra, N.J., Agricultural Research Forum. Effects of soil type and climate on soil nitrogen supply and soil nitrogen utilisation by grass. Tullamore, March 11th- 12th 2013.
  2. Information and Communications Technology for Environmental Regulation, Mechan, S., Lalor, S., Shine, O. & Wall, D., Using standard ICT & GIS to facilitate better nutrient management planning on Irish Farms June 20-21st National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) ICT_SMechan
  3. European Geosciences Union - General Assembly 2013, Melland AR, Jordan P, Murphy PNC, Mellander P-E, Shortle G. A review of monitoring approaches and outcomes of surface water quality mitigation measures in meso-scale agricultural catchments. Research Abstracts. Vol. 15, Vienna, Austria, 2013, pp. 10446 Abstract
  4. International Association of Hydrogeologists (Irish Group), Melland, AR and Jordan, P. Measures for mitigating pollution from agricultural sources. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Groundwater Conference. 23rd -24th April 2013, Tullamore, Ireland.

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Articles 2012

  1. Mechan, S. & Wall, DP., Research Update, Environmental Newsletter May (2012) p.4

Presentations 2012

  1. Agricultural Economic Society of Ireland - Buckley, C., Wall, D., Murphy, P.N.C. Nutrient Budgeting at farm level – Eco-efficiency of specialist dairy farms, October 18, 2012, Dublin.
  2. 17th International Nitrogen Workshop - McDonald, N. T., Watson, C.J., Laughlin, R.J., Lalor, S.T.J., Hoekstra, N.J., and Wall, D.P., Investigating the efficacy of soil nitrogen tests to predict soil nitrogen supply across a range of Irish soil types under controlled environmental conditions. Wexford, Opera House, June 26-29 2012. N-Workshop_2012_Abstract-NMcD
  3. 17th annual Teagasc Walsh Fellowship Seminar 2012 - Noeleen. T. McDonald, C.J. Watson, R.J. Laughlin, S.T.J. Lalor, and D.P. Wall., Utilizing the soils nitrogen supply potential for efficient grass production. RDS, Dublin, November 22nd 2012., from which Noeleen McDonald received overall winner of the . Abstract
  4. World Congress on Water, Climate and Energy - Mechan, S., & Shine, O., Instrumentation and Data Management Architecture for a Large-scale Catchments Research Programme, May 13-18, 2012 , Dublin Abstract
  5. World Congress on Water, Climate and Energy - Murphy, P., Soil and Water Chemistry in Three Irish Agricultural Catchments and Implications for Nutrient Loss and Catchment Management Programme, May 13-18, 2012 , Dublin IWA_Paper_Murphy_et_al
  6. World Congress on Water, Climate and Energy - Mellander, PE., Attenuation of phosphorus transfers in an agricultural karstic spring zone of contribution, May 13-18, 2012. IWA-WCE-Paper_Mellander
  7. World Congress on Water, Climate and Energy - Buckley, C., Abatement of diffuse pollution from agriculture through efficient nutrient budgeting at farm level, May 13-18, 2012 Abstract
  8. European Geophysical Union – General Assembly 2012 – Per-Erik Mellander, Alice R Melland, Phil Jordan, Paul NC Murphy, David Wall & Ger Shortle. Unmixing stream water chemistry: nutrient load pathways assessed from high resolution data. Vienna, 22-27 April 2012.
  9. 86th Annual Agricultural Economic Society Conference - Buckley, C., Adoption of desirable nutrient management practices by farmers, University of Warwick, April 16-18th. Buckley_AESAbstract
  10. Water Landuse Workshop - Agriculture reflected in Irish waters: maintaining good quality with increased production - Per-Erik Mellander, Alice Melland, Phil Jordan, Paul Murphy & Ger Shortle. Uppsala, 28-30 March 2012.
  11. Geophysical Association of Ireland – Per-Erik Mellander, Alice Melland, Phil Jordan, Paul Murphy & Ger Shortle. The use of geophysics in interpreting hydro-geological pathways of diffuse nutrient loss in two agricultural river catchments. Dublin, 15th February 2012.

Posters 2012

  1. Mechan, S., Lalor, S.T.J., Shine O., Jordan, P. & Wall, DP., Using data management systems to facilitate better nutrient management planning on Irish farms, 17th International Nitrogen Workshop, June 26-29, 2012, Wexford NWorkshop_Mechan (994KB)
  2. Melland, A., Ryan, D., Shortle, G., and Jordan, P., A cost : benefit evaluation of in situ high temporal resolution stream nutrient monitoring, World Congress on Water, Climate and Energy, May 13-18, 2012, Dublin Melland_IWA2012 (825KB)
  3. Crockford, L., Jordan, P., & Taylor, D., Lake phosphorus load apportionment and seasonal impacts, World Congress on Water, Climate and Energy, May 13-18, 2012, Dublin Lucy_IWA (1.6MB)
  4. Shore, M., Extent and role of ditches in affecting hydrological connectivity in agricultural landscapes, World Congress on Water, Climate and Energy, May 13-18, 2012, Dublin Shore_IWA2012 (1.2MB)

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Articles 2011

  1. Hennessy, T., Buckley, C., Cushion, M., Kinsella, A & Moran, B., National Farm Survey of Manure Application and Storage Practices on Irish Farms Synopsis (97KB)
  2. McDonald, N.T., Wall, D.P., Watson, C.J., Laughlin, R.J., Lalor, S.T.J., & Hoekstra, N.J., Agricultural Research Forum. Evaluating potential nitrogen tests for Irish grassland soils. Tullamore, March 14th- 15th 2011.
  3. Jordan P., Mellander P-E. and Melland A. (2011). Considerations of nutrient status in river systems. Geological Survey of Ireland, Groundwater Newsletter No. 49 2011, ISSN-0790-7753.
  4. Mellander P.-E., Melland A., Jordan P., Wall D. & Shortle G. (2011). Groundwater nutrient patterns in two intensive agricultural catchments. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Groundwater Conference (International Association of Hydrogeologists, Irish Group), ISSN-2009-227X, V: 1-9.

Presentations 2011

  1. Agricultural Economic Society - Buckley, C., 2011. An analysis of farmer attitudes to implementation of the EU Nitrates Directive in the Republic of Ireland using Q methodology.  University of Warwick, 18-20th April 2011.
  2. National Hydrology Conference - Melland A, Mellander P-E, Shore M, Cushen M, Mechan S, Murphy P, Wall DP, Shortle G and Jordan P (2011) Evaluating the effectiveness of the Nitrates Directive in Ireland for nutrient loss – The Agricultural Catchments Programme. 15th Nov., Ireland.
  3. Catchment Science - Melland A.R., Wall D.P., Mellander P-E., Shortle G. and Jordan P. (2011). Farm nutrient regulations; contrasting impact on water quality in different catchments. Teagasc/Defra, Wexford, Ireland, pp21.
  4. Catchment Science - Wall D.P., Buckley C., Melland A.R. Mellander P-E. and Shortle G. (2011). Evaluating management regulations at different scales in agricultural catchments in Ireland. Teagasc/Defra, Wexford, Ireland, pp31.
  5. Catchment Science - Mellander P-E., Melland A.R., Jordan P., Wall D.P. and Shortle G. (2011). Uncertain diffuse phosphorus pathways in catchments. Teagasc/Defra, Wexford, Ireland, pp36.
  6. Catchment Science - Buckley, C., Hynes, S. and Mechan S., Willingness of farmers to engage with riparian zones across small scale catchment areas in the Republic of Ireland. Teagasc/Defra, Wexford, Ireland, pp41.
  7. Soil Science Society of Ireland Spring meeting - Wall, D.P. 2011. Managing our soils for food production and clean water: Agricultural Catchments Programme.  UDC. Friday 11th March 2011
  8. British Soil Science Society post graduate research conference - McDonald, N.T., Wall, D.P., Watson, C.J., Laughlin, R.J., Lalor, S.T.J., and Hoekstra, N.J., Assessment of soil nitrogen (N) tests to predict N mineralisation potential in grassland soils. York. March 23rd-24th 2011. BSSSAbs
  9. Environ - Murphy, S., Bhreathnach, N., O'Flaherty, V., & Jordan, P., Investigation of bacterial pathogen sources and transfer hydrodynamics in rural catchments. April 2011.
  10. European Geosciences Union - Buckley, C., An analysis of the subjective opinion of farmer stakeholders to implementation of the EU Nitrates Directive in the Republic of Ireland.  2011, 03 - 08 April 2011, Vienna, Austria. EGU_CB_Abs
  11. European Geosciences Union - McDonald, N.T., Wall, D.P., Watson, C.J., Laughlin, R.J.,  Lalor, S.T.J., and Hoekstra, N.J., Can soil N tests accurately predict N mineralisation in grassland soils? Vienna. April 3rd-9th 2011. EGUAbs
  12. European Geosciences Union - Mellander P.-E., Wall D., Jordan P., Melland A. & Shortle G. Explicit definition of phosphorus source, pathway and delivery in a karstified aquifer. General Assembly 2011.
  13. European Geosciences Union - Mellander P.-E., Melland A., Wall D., Shortle G. & Jordan P. Nutrient impacts and pathways in two high N-risk catchments in Ireland. General Assembly 2011.
  14. European Geosciences Union - Melland AR, Mellander PE, Jordan P, Wall DP, Mechan S, Shine O, Shortle G (2011) Testing conceptual models of nitrogen and phosphorus transport risk from agricultural catchments.  General Assembly 2011 

Posters 2011

  1. Crockford, L., Jorda n, P., Taylor, D. Phosphorus load apportionment to Irish water-bodies, GLEON 13, Lake Sunapee, New Hampshire, USA, 10th - 14th October 2011
  2. Mellander P-E., Melland A.R., Jordan P., Wall D., Murphy P., Shortle G. (2011) Spatiotemporal variation in groundwater nitrogen and phosphorus in two agricultural river catchments. Final conference of COST Action 869, Mitigation options for nutrient reduction in surface water and groundwaters, Keszthely, Hungary, 12-14 Oct, 2011.
  3. McManus, S-L., Mellander P-E., Coxon C.E. and Richards K.G. (2011). Pesticide leaching from diffuse agricultural sources to groundwater. Symposium in Pesticide Chemistry, Pizacenza, Italy, 2011.
  4. Mechan, S., Shine, O., Mellander, PE., Murphy, P., Melland, A., Buckley, C., Wall, D., Shortle, G., & Jordan, P.,The Agricultural Catchments Programme: INSTRUMENTATION AND DATA MANAGEMENT,  Catchment Science Conference, Mansion House, Dublin, Ireland, 14th - 16th September 2011 Data_poster(1.5MB)
  5. Shortle, G., Mechan, S., Shine, O., Mellander, PE., Murphy, P., Melland, A., Buckley, C., Wall, D., & Jordan, P., The Agricultural Catchments Programme: An evaluation framework for the Nitrates Directive National Action Programme, Catchment Science Conference, Mansion House, Dublin, Ireland, 14th - 16th September 2011 ACP_Poster (1.9MB)
  6. Shore M., Jordan P., Sims J.T., Mellander P-E., Kelly-Quinn M. and Melland A. (2011). Potential of ditch sediments to pose a phosphorus source risk in agricultural catchments in Ireland. Catchment Science Conference, Teagasc/Defra, Wexford, Ireland, pp 69.
  7. Crockford, L., Jordan, P., Taylor, D. Phosphorus load apportionment to Irish water-bodies, Catchment Science Conference, Mansion House, Dublin, Ireland, 14th - 16th September 2011
  8. McManus, S-L., Mellander P-E., Coxon C.E. and Richards K.G. (2011). Pesticide leaching to groundwater in an agricultural catchment. Catchment Science Conference, Teagasc/Defra, Wexford, Ireland, pp 88.
  9. Murphy, S., Investigation of bacterial pathogen sources and transfer hydrodynamics in rural catchments. Faecal Indicators: Problems or Solution? (FIPS) 2011 Edinburgh. (1.1MB)
  10. Shore, M., Potential Of Ditch Sediments to Pose a Phosphorus Source Risk in Irish Catchments, SERA-17 in Delray beach, Florida, June 2011. (1.2MB)
  11. McDonald, N.T., Wall, D.P., Watson, C.J., Laughlin, R.J.,  Lalor, S.T.J., and Hoekstra, N.J., Can soil N tests accurately predict N mineralisation in grassland soils? European Geosciences Union. Vienna. April 3rd-9th 2011. EGUPoster (196KB)
  12. Crockford, L., Jordan, P., & Taylor, D., Phosphorus load apportionment in Irish water-bodies. ENVIRON April 2011. Lucy_Environ2011 (958KB)
  13. Buckley, C., An analysis of farmer attitudes to implementation of the EU Nitrates Directive in the Republic of Ireland using Q methodology. Agricultural Economics Society 85th Annual Conference, 18th - 20th April , Warwick, UK. EGU_CB_Poster (555KB)

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Articles 2010

  1. Mechan, S. & Burgess, E. (2010). The Irish Agricultural Catchments Programme: Supporting Sound Agricultural Practices with GIS, GIS for Agribusiness p.4-5  http://www.esri.com/library/newsletters/agribusiness/agribusiness-summer2010.pdf
  2. Mechan, S., Burgess, E. & Fealy, R.M. (2010). Irish Agricultural Catchments Programme Protects Water Quality While Supporting Productive Agriculture, ArcNews p.34 http://www.esri.com/news/arcnews/fall10articles/files/arcnews32_3/pageflip.html

Presentations 2010

  1. Agricultural Economics Conference - Buckley, C. (2010). Efficient Nutrient Management - A win for the farmer and a win for the environment. Edinburgh, 30-Mar-2010
  2. Food, Feed, Energy and Fibre from land - a Vision for 2020 - Buckley, C. (2010). Nutrient Management Efficiency in Ireland - A data envelopment analysis of specialist dairy and tillage farms.  12-14 April 2010 Queens University Belfast.
  3. EGU Vienna May - Melland, A.R., Jordan, P., Wall, D., Mellander, P.E., Mechan, S., Shortle, G., 2010. EGU2010-0. In, Geophysical Research Abstracts EGU General Assembly. Vienna, Austria.
  4. WCSS2010 Brisbane July - Melland, A.R., Wall, D., Mellander, P.-E., Jordan, P., Mechan, S., 2010. Soil management and stream water quality at the agricultural catchment scale in Ireland. In R.J. Gilkes, N. Prakongkep (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science; Soil Solutions for a Changing World. Symposium 4.1.2 Management and protection of receiving environments. IUSS, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 175-178.
  5. Demonstration Test Catchments Invited Knowledge Exchange, Lancaster, September - Phil, David, Per-Erik and Alice presented methods and preliminary results for all components of the biophysical programme.
  6. Regional Science Association International British and Irish Section 39th Annual Conference - Buckley, C., 2010. Efficient nutrient management across regions - A potential winner for all. Glasgow 25th – 27th August, 2010
  7. IPW6 Seville September - Wall, D.P., Melland, A.R., Buckley, C., Jordan, P., Mechan, S., Mellander, P-E., and Shortle, G. 2010. The Agricultural Catchments Programme; an environmental and socio economic evaluation of the Nitrates Directive National Action Programme in Ireland. In 6th International Phosphorus Workshop abstracts, Sept. 27-Oct. 1, 2010, Seville, Spain. pp.172.
  8. 1st Annual Conference of the Irish Environmental Economist’s Network - Buckley, C., 2010. Efficient nutrient management - The potential double dividend. Athenry, September 2nd 2010
  9. 14th IWA Diffuse Pollution Specialist Group: DipCon -  Buckley, C., 2010. DipCon_Abstract 2010 September 12-17, Beaupré, Québec, Canada.
  10. SEMRU_agenda SEMRU - Buckley, C., 2010. Socio-Economic Analysis of Attitude to Water Quality Measures Nov-17, 2010, NUI Galway.
  11. AGU Fall Meeting  - Melland, A.R., Jordan, P., Wall, D., Mellander, P.E., Buckley, C., Mechan, S., Shortle, G., 2010. Catchment-scale evaluation of environmental regulations in the agricultural sector in Ireland 13-17 December San Francisco, California

Posters 2010

  1. Murphy, S. Poster, The International Society of Microbial Ecology Conference, Seattle August 2010
  2. Jordan, P., Melland, A., Cassidy, R., 2010. Observations on high resolution nutrient monitoring in rivers. In, 6th International Workshop on Phosphorus (IPW6); Towards a sustainable control of diffuse P loss: risk, monitoring, modelling, and mitigation options. Seville, Spain.
  3. Jordan, P., Melland, A., Fenton, O. Richards, K., Schulte, R. 2010. A model to predict soil P depletion to achieve agronomic and environmental objectives. In, 6th International Workshop on Phosphorus (IPW6); Towards a sustainable control of diffuse P loss: risk, monitoring, modelling, and mitigation options. Seville, Spain.
  4. Wall, D.P, and Mechan, S. 2010. Soil phosphorus management in agricultural catchments in Ireland. In 6th International Phosphorus Workshop abstracts, Sept. 27-Oct. 1, 2010, Seville, Spain. pp.143.  Poster
  5. Shore, M.. Melland, A.R., Mellander, P-E., Jordan P. Verification of Digital Terrain Derived Hydrological Flow Paths in Agricultural Catchments. 14th IWA Diffuse Pollution Specialist Group: DipCon 2010 September 12-17, Beaupré, Québec, Canada.

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Content 2009

  1. Abstract from The International Annual Meetings of the American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), and Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) Nov 2009
  2. SSSI-BSSSAbstract (138KB PDF Format)
  3. Turin_Abstract (180KB PDF Format)
  4. Turin_Poster (86KB PDF Format)
  5. Tresearch_2009 (73KB PDF Format)
  6. EGU2009 (113KB PDF Format)
  7. EGU_Poster (1MB PDF Format)
  8. Environ09abstract (30KB PDF Format)

Content 2008

  1. WFD_Poster (274KB PDF Format)

Content 2007

  1. Poster_Oct2007 (275KB PDF Format)

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