Campaign Management
The resources and expertise required for the successful delivery of the ‘Better Farming for
Water’ campaign will be drawn from across the multi-disciplinary spectrum of resources from key stakeholders. Teagasc existing staff (which includes managers, advisors, specialists and researchers) as well as new staff (6 Water Catchment Coordinators, a Water Quality Catchment Research Officer plus a Programme Manager) will be available to support the delivery of the campaign.
The activities of the ‘Better Farming for Water’ campaign will be integrated with other advisory and research programmes/campaigns within Teagasc including: ASSAP, Signpost Advisory Programme, Grass10 and ACP, ensuring consistency of agronomic and environmental messaging.
The specific resources will include:
- The campaign will utilise existing national multi-actor governance structures to establish a multi-actor (farmers, industry, community, government) stakeholder steering group (Quarter 3 2024). This group will give overall responsibility for the direction and coordination of the campaign, chaired by a stakeholder collaborator, that will meet three times yearly for the duration of the campaign.
- A high level management team will provide overall support for the operation of the campaign which will be chaired by a Teagasc Head of Directorate that will meet 6 times yearly.
- An action/implementation plan will be developed outlining key actions, lead and supporting organisations and time lines.
- The Campaign Manager will take overall responsibility, drive the campaign and ensure that the objectives are met on time.
- The Campaign Manager will have the support of a water specialist and a part time campaign administrator.
- The Campaign Manager will be supported by 6 Water Catchment Coordinators; one each to the Boyne, Slaney, Barrow/Nore, Suir, Blackwater and the Lee/Bandon.
- At advisory region level, an ASSAP advisor and a lead regional advisor will take the co-lead on the delivery of the campaign within the region while all tillage, drystock and dairy advisors will engage with the campaign.
- A targeted media campaign will be required to build awareness, promote the campaign and the emerging messages.
In addition to the specific resources outlined above, specialist Teagasc resources will support the ‘Better Farming for Water’ campaign across the organisation including those related to the Environment Knowledge Transfer Department.
Key Deliverables
Q2 2024
Water specialist recruited
Q2 2024
Better Farming for Water campaign strategic plan launched and published
Q3 2024
Campaign manager recruited
Q3 2024
Cross-directorate management team established
Q3 2024
Multi-actor stakeholder consultative group established, and chair selected
Q4 2024
Water Quality Catchment Research Officer appointed
Q3 2024
Regional team (Manager, ASSAP Advisor) identified for each region
Q3 2024
Catchment co-ordinators (x 6) recruited
Q3 2024
Campaign action/implementation plan finalised