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Food Systems in a Changing World- the Science, Challenges and Opportunities

Day 1: Wednesday, 6th December

08.45-09.30: Registration and Coffee

9.30-9.45: Welcome Address and Opening Remarks- Mr Declan Troy, Assistant Director of Research, Teagasc and President of IFSTI

Session 1: Safe, healthy and sustainable food innovation

Chair: Dr Emily Crofton, Teagasc

09.45-10.05: KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Safe, healthy and sustainable food innovation- Dr Kari Tronsmo, President, EIT Food’s Protein Diversification Think Tank; Open Innovation leader, Danone

10.05-10.20: The impacts of a multispecies sward grazing system upon cheddar cheese manufacturing efficiency and quality- Richard Page, Teagasc

10.20-10.35: Enhancing the techno-functional properties of lentil protein isolate dispersions using high pressure homogenisation for use in plant protein based young child formula- Nicolas Malterre, University College Cork

10.35-10.50: Extracts from Onopordum platylepis flowers: novel vegetable coagulants for cheesemaking with ovine milk- Giorgia Rampanti, Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM), Italy

10.50-11.05: Evaluation of the effect of sweeteners on bacterial quorum sensing: Implications for gut microbiome dynamics -Mindani Watawana, University of Limerick

11.05-11.30: Coffee and Poster viewing

Session 2: Safe, healthy and sustainable food innovation

Chair: Dr. Róisín Burke, Technological University Dublin 

11.30-11.45: Antioxidant capacity of β-glucan from mushrooms using ultrasound-assisted extraction- Bárbara Biduski, Teagasc

11.45-12.00: What does it take for novel food authorisation in the European Union? Insights from risk assessment to market authorisation- Maame Ekua Manful, Technological University Dublin

12.00-12.15: Impact of porcine red blood cells (RBC) feeding on the proximate composition of yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) and house cricket (Acheta domesticus)- Eduarda M. Cabral, Teagasc

12.15-12.30: Study of the polyphenol retention in distilled gin spent botanicals, its antioxidant capacity, and economic importance- Ekene Umego, Technological University Dublin

12.30-12.45: A new food application of Irish-grown peas: Milling, dough rheology, bread profiling and NIR spectroscopy- Mariana Macas, Teagasc

12.45-13.00: Impact of different light conditions on nitrogen, colour and amino acid profiles of cultured Palmaria palmata and technofunctional properties of protein rich ingredients- Anthony T. Idowu, University of Limerick

13.00-14.00: Lunch and Poster Viewing

Session 3: Zero waste approaches to address food loss and waste

Chair: Dr Lael Walsh, Teagasc

14.00-14.20: KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Sustainability at O’Brien Fine Foods- Mr Nicholas Reynolds, Sustainability Manager, O’Brien Fine Foods

14.20-14.35: The application of plant extraction waste in horticulture: A proof-of-concept zero-waste research study- Sridevi Bindiganavile Ranganath, Technological University Dublin

14.35-14.50: An integrative model of multiple quality responses to assess the effect of different food packaging solutions for kale, spinach, mushroom, and strawberry on food waste production- Francesco Saverio Giordano, Technological University Dublin

14.50-15.05: Exploring the efficacy of food waste as a potential source of antibacterial agents and antibiotic adjuvants against MRSA and MSSA isolates- James Blee, Atlantic Technological University

15.05-15.20: Combination effects on the longevity improvements of Agaricus bisporus using silicon bio-stimulants and sustainable packaging alternatives- Andrew Reynolds, Technological University Dublin

15.20-15.45: Coffee and Poster Viewing

Session 4: Engaging the consumer and society

Chair: Dr Sinéad McCarthy, Teagasc

15.45:16.05: KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: The role of the consumer and society in delivering a sustainable food system- Prof Maeve Henchion, Teagasc

16.05- 16.20: Fatty acids analysis for verifying the production system of commercially sourced Irish grass-fed beef- Sherif Shaheen, University College Dublin

16.20-16.35: EFSA Focal Point: connecting Ireland with the European Food Safety Authority- Gráinne Redmond, Food Safety Authority of Ireland

16.35-16.50: Antibacterial properties of macroalgae against community and clinical acquired MRSA strains- Peter O'Hara, Atlantic Technological University

19.30-22.00: Conference networking event at The Church Café Bar, Jervis Street, Dublin 1 D01 YX64.

Day 2: THURSDAY DECEMBER 7th, 2023

Session 5: Data and digitalisation advances in food systems

Chair: Prof Jesus Frias, Technological University Dublin

09.30-09.50: KEYNOTE PRESENTATION Global food systems – A digital journey towards a sustainable future- Dr Ultan McCarthy, Lecturer, Department of Land Management at South East Technological University (SETU), IEEE CRFID Distinguished Lecturer

09.50-10.05: A digital technology-based framework for preventing fraud in agri-food supply chains- Zhijun Wang, University College Dublin

10.05-10.20: Optimization of high capacity sorptive extraction thermal desorption for the volatile profiling of raw and cooked beef by gas chromatography mass spectrometry- Fathi Morsli, Teagasc

10.20-10.35: Kinetic study for cooking optimization of chicken breast meat in professional oven- Giulia Romano, Teagasc

10.35-10.50: Mathematical modelling of sauerkraut acidification and lactic acid production through fermentation- Victoria Caballero, Technological University Dublin

10.50-11.05: From olives to oil: food fraud vulnerability assessments in Greek olive oil supply chain- Zhijun Wang, University College Dublin

11.05-11.30: Coffee and Poster viewing

Session 6: Addressing climate challenges in agri-food production

Chair: Dr Dilip Rai, Teagasc

11.30-11.45: Enhancing the bioactive fat composition and microbial stability of bovine milk using multispecies swards- Samuel Rapisarda, Technological University Dublin

11.45-12.00: Exploring the potential suitability in Ireland for the current cultivation of high protein output crops and forecasted utilising three Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) 245, 370 and 585- Talia Huffe, Teagasc

12.00-12.15: Evaluating the microbial quality of roof-harvested rainwater as a sustainable irrigation alternative- Michael Arthur, Teagasc

12.15-12.30: The potential of edible insects as a palatable, safe and sustainable food source- Ann Conway, Technological University Dublin

12.30-12.45: ‘Raising the Pulse’: systems analysis of the environmental, nutritional and health benefits of pulse-enhanced foods- Donal O’Sullivan, University of Reading, UK

12.45-13.30: Lunch and Poster Viewing

Session 7: Bio-based solutions for food production and processing

Chair: Prof Jim Lyng

13.30-13.50: KEYNOTE PRESENTATION Dr Ian Noble, VP R&D – Research and Analytical Sciences, Mondelēz International

13.50-14.05: An empirical analysis on smallholder diets in Ethiopia: examining the joint interplay between farm production diversity and market access- Tsegay Balcha, University College Cork

14.05-14.20: Recovery of humic substances from digestate using advanced technologies for sustainable agriculture production- Shon Shiju, Munster Technological University

14.20-14.35: Quantitative microbial risk assessment modular framework for waste-pathogen combinations from land-spreading in Ireland- Jennifer McCarthy, Technological University Dublin

14.35-14.50: Ultrasound homogenization and its effects on certain rheological and physical properties of rich-polyphenol dairy-based beverage- Gontorn Putsakum, Teagasc

14.50-15.05: Comparison of trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibition in different fava bean (Vicia faba) varieties- Luthando Gcaza, University of Limerick

15.05-15.20: Monitoring the effect of consumption temperature of whole fat milk on in vitro gastric digestion using magnetic resonance imaging- Conor Fitzpatrick, Teagasc

15.20-15.40: General discussion, prize giving for best poster and oral presentations Mr. Declan Troy, President, IFSTI and Assistant Director of Research, Teagasc