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Introduction to Sensory Principles

for the food and beverage sector 

Teagasc taste for success and ifst logos

27th February 2025 | 9.30am – 5pm (Exam 6th March | 10am – 10.45am)
Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ashtown

Whether you are new to sensory science or want to improve your knowledge, this training course will introduce you to a wide range of best practice methods and real-life case studies. Participants will gain an understanding of the principles of sensory science, the human senses and how they are used in sensory evaluation, sensory methodologies and best practices when conducting sensory studies. Participants also have the option of gaining a Foundation Level Sensory qualification from the Institute of Food Science & Technology, IFST (UK) by sitting a virtual exam.

The fee for this event is €550 per participant (€360 for those eligible for funding by Taste4Success Skillnet).

Eligibility Criteria

  • Participating businesses must be from private enterprise based in the Republic of Ireland.
  • Sole traders are eligible as Member Companies.
  • Skillnet Ireland funding is NOT available to public sector bodies or organisations that are publicly funded such as community-based not-for-profit companies or charities.
  • Member Company must be a member of Taste 4 Success Skillnet.
  • Employees attending the series must be resident/living in the Republic of Ireland and must be employed by a Member Company.

For those not eligible for funding by Taste4Succes or who are unsure, email your query to carol.griffin@teagasc.ie