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Meat Product Processing Suite

Prepared Consumer Food Centre

Processed meats are a key component of many prepared consumer foods. In order to remain competitive, manufacturers must innovate to create products which are healthy, safe, convenient, natural and sustainably produced. The NPCFC Meat Processing Unit has a high level of adaptability, providing a wide range of equipment of varying capacities for different applications. A suite of humidity chambers combined with in-house smoking facilities allows for the development of fermented meats with unique flavour profiles and extended shelf-life. The cured and processed meat equipment is flexible and facilitates various protein types and end products, ranging from traditional slow-cured pork to sous-vide pulled beef. Adaptable packaging capabilities allow for testing of MAP and skin packaging solutions. In addition, the presence of multiple small-batch systems facilitates concurrent trials during formulation and process optimisation. This enables processed meat manufacturers to develop new products more rapidly and costeffectively in response to evolving challenges and trends.

Key Pieces of Equipment

  • Fermented Meat Suite – A range of humidity cabinets allows for the development of unique flavour profiles and the development of new product types.
  • Cured and Processed Meat Suite – This range of equipment is highly adaptable to many product types and capacities. A modern multi-needle injector can be adjusted to suit any protein type. A multi-tumbler unit allows for concurrent production of multiple 30kg batches at a time so that formulations and processes can be optimised before being scaled up. Various product textures can be created through cooking options such as combi and sous-vide.
  • Meat Packaging Suite – The MAP and skin packaging machines have adjustable mould and gas settings to facilitate the creation of many product presentations.

For more information contact:

Cristina Botinestean

Email: cristina.botinestean@teagasc.ie

Phone: +35318059747