Air Drying Technology
The Prepared Consumer Food Centre offers Drying Technology with the Harter AIRGENEX® Chamber Drying System. High quality drying results can be achieved in short times utilising gentle drying at low temperatures in a closed system. Any foodstuff or feedstuff can be dried to the desired dry matter content in a gentle, fast and reliable way. There is a very large variety of products which may be dried by this efficient and gentle drying process including fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts, herbs, pasta, meat products and sausages. AIRGENEX® food dryers ensure high efficiency of the drying process and as the system is enclosed, no interchange occurs with ambient air thus no dependence from the climate. This helps to achieve positive results in terms of bioactivity, aromas and appearance. Condensates obtained and collected during drying may contain valuable compounds which can be used as a valuable by-product.
• Easy 5 Stage Process System
• Drying Temperature, Fan Speed and Cycle Time can be easily adjusted
• Temperature variable between 20°C - 90°C
• Moisture analysis can be carried out on site in the PCF Centre
For More Information Contact
Phone: +353 (0)18059990 / +353 (0)876723696