Sensory Science Suite
Sensory science can be applied across the product development process to understand how the key sensory properties of food drive consumer acceptability. In today’s highly competitive global food market, a deeper understanding of consumer sensory perceptions is needed so foods can be designed with optimal consumer benefits. The NPCFC provides food companies with a suite of traditional (e.g. descriptive, affective and discrimination tests) and novel biometric sensory techniques to characterise and unravel the complex flavour and texture profiles of their products. New biometric tools can capture physiological responses from consumers, providing a more realistic insight into their sensory perceptions towards food products. Teagasc sensory researchers and technologists can support food and beverage companies using a wide range of sensory analysis and consumer studies applications.
Key pieces of Equipment
- 18 computerised sensory testing booths with adjoining fully equipped kitchens and food preparation areas.
- Biometric tools including eye-tracking glasses, facial expression analysis, a Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) unit and an Electroencephalography (EEG) headset.
- Full range of discrimination tests (including triangle tests, duo-trio, paired comparison and difference from control)
- Trained descriptive sensory panels employing classic and newer, more rapid sensory methods
- Dynamic sensory methods
- Sensory shelf-life studies
- A range of qualitative & quantitative consumer studies
- Product development – all stages of the process from concept to launch.
- Quality assurance systems - to ensure the consistency of ingredients, batches and final products
- Benchmarking products against competitor products
- Optimising the shelf-life of current products and new innovations
- Characterising and unravelling the complex flavour and texture profiles of food and beverages
- Understanding the changes in sensory perception of products as they are consumed
- Understanding consumer perceptions of products and drivers of liking
For more information contact:
Carol Griffin for Sensory and Consumer Services
Phone: +35318059592
Emily Crofton for Research and Development
Phone: +35318059716