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2027 Sectoral Road Map: Tillage Crops

2027 Sectoral Road Map: Tillage Crops

A new Teagasc 2027 Sectoral Road Map for Tillage was published on Tuesday, 8 December 2020. It includes: Market and policy issues; Potential shape and size of sector in 2027; Environmental & land use implications; Technical performance indicators; Research & technology transfer actions and Comment.

A new series of Teagasc Sectoral Roadmaps 2027 was published on Tuesday, 8 December during a live webinar. Paul Maher, Assistant Director of Teagasc Knowledge Transfer Directorate chaired the webinar where speakers gave an overview of the main elements of the Teagasc Sectoral Roadmaps 2027.

Teagasc Researchers John Spink, Pat Dillon and Mark Fenelon gave presentations in their areas of expertise. Kevin Hanrahan, Head of Teagasc Rural Economy and Development Programme gave an overview of the importance of agriculture and food in the Irish economy. The presentations and the webinar itself can be viewed here

Download the Teagasc 2027 Sectoral Road Map for Tillage Crops (PDF)

Irish grain prices vary considerably from year to year in response to world markets, with swings as much as 35% of output price. Irish tillage farms are competitive with our European neighbours due to our high yield (one of the highest in the world). Currently there are circa 5,000 full-time tillage farmers producing the majority of output, with 10,000 farms involved in tillage at some level. Increased climate and EU legislative challenges will continue to challenge the competitiveness and therefore the sustainability of Irish tillage farms. In response, integrated management approaches will be essential to maintain the competitiveness of tillage enterprises, while supporting long-term environmental goals.

There are nine sectoral roadmaps in total on Tillage, Sheep, Dairy, Beef, Pigs, Forestry, Horticulture, Food and Environment. View all nine Teagasc Sectoral Roadmaps 2027