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John Ryan - Teagasc/ Glanbia Future Farm Participant Update

John Ryan, participant of the Teagasc/ Glanbia Future Farm Programme farms in Boulick, Gornathoe, Co. Tipperary.

On the 18th June, John's Teagasc Advisor Sandra Hayes caught up with John to get an update on how he was coping after the dry period in May.

John is dairy farming in Boulick, Gornathoe, Co. Tipperary. On the 18th of June we walked the milking platform and worked out the average farm cover for the farm was 874 kgDM. That meant he has a cover of grass per cow of 193kgDM/Cow.

His growth rate for the previous 7 days was 82kgs of DM/Ha. Based on these results John decided to take out another paddock on the milking platform for reseeding. It was sprayed off that evening. Meal intake for the cows dropped from 4kgs back to 3kgs.

In all, John’s farm made a very good recovery from the dry period of weather in May. This was achieved by keeping his AFC above 500 at all times and buffering with meal and zero grazed grass when required.