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2027 Sectoral Road Map: Agriculture & the Environment

2027 Sectoral Road Map: Agriculture & the Environment

A new Teagasc 2027 Sectoral Road Map for Agriculture and The Environment was published on Tuesday, 8 December 2020. It includes: Introduction; Actions and 2027 Targets for: Gaseous Emissions, Nutrient Efficiency, Water Quality, Biodiversity and the Soil

A new series of Teagasc Sectoral Roadmaps 2027 was published on Tuesday, 8 December during a live webinar. Paul Maher, Assistant Director of Teagasc Knowledge Transfer Directorate chaired the webinar where speakers gave an overview of the main elements of the Teagasc Sectoral Roadmaps 2027.

Teagasc Researchers John Spink, Pat Dillon and Mark Fenelon gave presentations in their areas of expertise. Kevin Hanrahan, Head of Teagasc Rural Economy and Development Programme gave an overview of the importance of agriculture and food in the Irish economy. The presentations and the webinar itself can be viewed here

Download the Teagasc 2027 Sectoral Road Map for Agriculture and the Environment (PDF)

It has become clear that the environmental footprint of agriculture must be reduced. This entails reducing gaseous emissions, improving water quality and enhancing biodiversity. In Ireland, agriculture has a profound impact on the environment. A huge amount of research has provided us with a good understanding of these impacts, as well as providing an insight into technologies and farming systems which can reduce gaseous emissions, lead to improved water quality, reduce biodiversity loss and improve soil health. The agri-food industry continues to strive for market advantage by demonstrating the sustainability of Irish food through initiatives such as Origin Green. International food buyers are increasingly demanding verification and ongoing improvements of the sustainability credentials of food exports. Teagasc will place sustainability at the centre of all its programmes by developing and disseminating the technologies needed to make Ireland a world leader in science-based sustainable agriculture and food production.

There are nine sectoral roadmaps in total on Environment, Beef, Sheep, Dairy, Pigs, Tillage, Forestry, Horticulture and Food. To see all nine of the Teagasc 2027 Sectoral Roadmaps click Teagasc Sectoral Roadmaps 2027