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World Soil Day

World Soil Day

World Soil Day is marked on 5 December each year as a means to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and to promote sustainable soil management. Find out more about World Soil Day and the work being carried out within the Soil Programme in Teagasc.

The theme for World Soil Day 2020 (#WorldSoilDay) is "Keep soil alive, Protect soil biodiversity" emphasising the critical importance of the hidden life underneath our feet in underpinning healthy ecosystems and food production, and how the protection of soil biodiversity is vital in delivering a wide range of essential ecosystem services. 

Teagasc has a long history of soils research and is currently working at the cutting edge of soils research in association with national and international collaborators. Its current programme focuses on the chemical, physical and biological health of agricultural soils and the development of sustainable soil management advice that enhances soil functions including soil biodiversity, carbon sequestration, nutrient cycling, productivity, and water purification and storage.

Find out more about the work being carried out within the Soil Programme in Teagasc