Social Media Takeover with Mike Bermingham GFOY

Social Media Takeover with Mike Bermingham - Teagasc Grass10 Grassland Farmer of the Year 2019 - Dairy
Mike Bermingham is the Dairy Category Winner of the 2019 GFOY competition. Mike farms with his family outside Fermoy, Co. Cork milking 108 cows in a spring calving system. He has consistently grown 14 T DM Grass per Ha using 200u N/acre (250 Kg N/Ha) whilst farming between 500 and 600ft above sea level. Mike has a simple grass-based system which last year produced 560 Kg MS per cow on 800 Kg concentrates.
With the power of social media, Mike took us through a day on his farm. Check it out in full on our Instagram highlights or on Teagasc Grass10 Twitter account.