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Using a creep gate to creep graze lambs

Creep grazing is extremely useful when grass supplies are tight & during dry spells. Hugh Rooney, Teagasc Drystock Advisor highlights the advantages of creep grazing & explains how to set up creep grazing for lambs.

Creep grazing is extremely useful when grass supplies are tight & during dry spells. Hugh Rooney, Teagasc Drystock Advisor highlights the advantages of creep grazing & explains how to set up creep grazing for lambs.

Creep Grazing lambs allows lambs access to the best grass ahead of the ewes. This helps maintain high lamb growth rates particularly when grass supplies are running tight. Given the chance the lambs will graze ahead of the ewes from 7-10 weeks of age. It is best suited to a paddock grazing system as the lambs can see their mothers while in the next paddock

Trials have shown that you can increase lamb performance by 20-30 g/head /day by creep grazing the lambs.

To creep graze you must put a creep gate into an existing gateway. Ideally the bars should be adjustable & spaced 225 to 250mm apart.