
Tips when purchasing a new stock bull
It has come to the time of year again when many farmers around the country will be looking to source new stock bulls for the coming breeding season. In this article, Enda Maloney, Teagasc Drystock Advisor, discusses some key points to look out for before a purchase is made.
10 April 2023

Breeding the next generation of cows with Future Beef Farmer John Dunne
Breeding choices made on suckler farms over the coming weeks have both short and long-term implications.
09 April 2023

The key things to consider when closing up silage ground
With farmers starting to close up silage ground in the coming weeks, Teagasc Drystock Advisor Gerard Cregg, based in Castlerea, Co. Roscommon, is on this week’s Beef Edge podcast to discuss the main things farmers need to consider.
05 April 2023

Future Beef Update: Matching the bull with the cow and using sexed semen
Eamon and Donnchadh McCarthy – a father and son team – operate a suckler-to-beef enterprise in Youghal, Co. Waterford, with bulls finished under 16 months and heifers at 22 months.
05 April 2023

Using sexed semen in the suckler herd
Artificial insemination (AI) is a breeding technology that has been around for a long number of years. However, only 17% of suckler calves are born from AI sires, despite AI being the fastest way of making genetic improvement in the herd.
05 April 2023

Breeding quality calves for repeat custom in Co. Meath
Conor Smith milks 250 cows with his parents in Carlanstown, Co. Meath, producing 530kg of milk solids per cow last year from a herd of predominately high EBI Holstein Friesian cows. The herd’s average EBI value is €184.
03 April 2023

Challenge into opportunity
A setback generated new perspectives for this large scale beef farmer. Aisling Molloy, Future Beef Programme, tells us more.
01 April 2023

Improving beef potential from the dairy herd
Regardless of cow type, there is the potential within dairy herds for a better beef breeding policy, Dr. Nicky Byrne, dairy beef researcher in Teagasc Grange, told the recent DairyBeef 500 Spring Conference in Navan, Co. Meath.
01 April 2023

TAMS 3: Animal Welfare and Nutrient Storage Scheme open
Applications are now open for the TAMS 3 Animal Welfare and Nutrient Storage Scheme (AWNSS), which provides grants to farmers to build and/or improve a specified range of farm buildings and equipment on their holding.
31 March 2023

Selecting beef sires on more than calving ease and short gestation
On many dairy farms, the decision of what beef bull to use on their cows is often based on having a very low calving difficulty along with having as short a gestation as possible.
29 March 2023

Newford Farm Update: March rain ceases grazing
The latest Newford Farm Update provides an insight into calving progress. Donall Fahy, Technician at Newford, also gives an update on grassland management, replacement heifers and the environmental sustainability initiatives being undertaken.
29 March 2023

Suckler Carbon Efficiency Programme 2023 - 2027
On Monday 20th March, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine launched the new Suckler Carbon Efficiency Programme (SCEP), Aidan Murray, Teagasc Beef Specialist, tells us more in this article.
29 March 2023

Maximising SCEP payments focus of upcoming farm walks
Teagasc and the Irish Cattle Breeding Federation are running 16 Suckler Breeding Farm Walks across the country over the coming weeks.
27 March 2023

Breathing new life into a calf-to-beef system in Co. Meath
Aidan Maguire, who farms 46ha of free-draining grassland in partnership with his son Luke, just outside Navan, Co. Meath, has reinvigorated his farm since 2018.
27 March 2023

Signpost Series: BovINE - Solutions for Sustainable Beef Farming
On this episode of the Signpost Series, Pat Murphy, Head of Environment Knowledge Transfer, Teagasc was joined by Dr. Maeve Henchion, Teagasc, to discuss BovINE – Solutions for Sustainable Beef Farming.
26 March 2023

Battling the weather with Future Beef Farmer Proinnsias Creedon
Proinnsias farms with his wife Máire and sons Ciarán, Aodhán and Diarmuid. The farm is located in Barrathanaknock, Clondrohid, Macroom, Co. Cork.
26 March 2023

Everycalf project - contract rearing of dairy beef calves
Increased cow numbers on dairy farms coupled with increased adoption of improved breeding technologies have resulted in consistent improvements in the six-week calving rates on Irish dairy farms in recent years, resulting in large numbers of additional male calves being born each spring.
25 March 2023

CAP 2023-2027: How is your farm affected?
On the 1st of January this year, a new five-year CAP period started. Andy Ryder, Drystock Advisor, tells us there are a number of important changes occurring in relation to the distribution of CAP payments that farmers need to know about.
24 March 2023

Reviewing financials and preparing for breeding with Future Beef Farmer James Skehan
James Skehan farms part-time in O’Briensbridge, Co. Clare, with his wife Joanne, and his father Batt lends a hand. He works full-time off farm. Future Beef Programme Advisor to the farm Aisling Molloy provides an update on James’ farm in this article.
23 March 2023

Getting Ready for weaning
Weaning can be a stressful time for calves as they make the change from a liquid to a solid feed diet and move from a pre-ruminant to the ruminant phase. Much of the skill in calf rearing is making this diet transition as smooth as possible, without set-backs to the calf’s performance.
22 March 2023

Teagasc Beef Edge podcast exceeds 100,000 listens
The Teagasc Beef Edge podcast is celebrating exceeding 100,000 listens. Farmers have tuned in to hear timely technical information and the latest research and advice from Teagasc and industry stakeholders.
22 March 2023

Grant aid of up to €1,000 for dairy-beef weighing scheme
The Minster for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue yesterday announced the opening of the National Dairy Beef Welfare Scheme.
21 March 2023

Butchering a Heifer for the Freezer
For the majority of beef farmers in Ireland we all produce vast volumes of beef to feed large numbers of people. It is however very rare for farmers to consume their own beef produce. Keith Fahy, B&T Drystock Advisor, Teagasc Galway/Clare tells us more.
20 March 2023

New TB regulations and measures to reduce spread
New TB regulations have recently come into effect from the 1st of February 2023, Ciaran Beatty, drystock advisor in Castlerea, outlines what they mean.
19 March 2023

Making use of the CBV in calf purchasing this spring
Sourcing a healthy animal is a fundamental aspect of a successful dairy-calf-beef enterprises but just as crucial an area is sourcing a calf that has the genetic potential to perform well from birth right through to slaughter. Tommy Cox, DairyBeef 500 advisor explains more.
15 March 2023

How to achieve your targets this Spring
Teagasc Future Beef advisor, Gabriel Trayers, is on the week’s Beef Edge podcast to discuss how to achieve the targets this Spring, getting out to grass and the various scenarios across the country.
15 March 2023

Profitability reduces on DairyBeef 500 Demonstration farms in 2022
The Teagasc DairyBeef 500 Demonstration farms will be having mixed emotions about their eProfit Monitor results for 2022. Alan Dillon, DairyBeef 500 Campaign Co-ordinator, explains why while outlining the financial performance for 2022 in this article.
15 March 2023

TAMS for Organic Farming
Joe Kelleher, Organic Specialist, tells us; the recent announcement that the opening of the TAMS 3 scheme is imminent has been greatly welcomed by organic farmers and it is great to see the list of eligible investment items that organic farmers can avail of has been greatly increased.
15 March 2023

Rumen and methane - Research Update
Paul Smith, Sinéad Waters and David Kenny of Teagasc Grange and Alan Kelly (UCD) report on the rumen microbiome and low methane- emitting beef cattle.
14 March 2023

Future Beef farm walk: How to save money on your farm this spring
A number of options available to beef farmers to save money on their farms this spring were discussed at the recent Teagasc Future Beef farm walk on John Barry’s farm, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary.
12 March 2023