
Grass 10 Update November 8th
Get grassland advice and information from the Grass 10 team. PastureBase Ireland was not available this week due to an upgrade. Topics this week include reducing the cost of nitrogen fertiliser. This weeks Clover Reporter is William Dennehy from Co. Kerry
09 November 2022

Science Week 2022 - The Festival of Farming and Food Events
The Festival of Farming and Food is an educational, inspiring and fun week, packed full of amazing science activities, experiences, talks and exhibitions, for children and grown-ups alike. Running from November 13-20.
07 November 2022

Developing an Irish Biomethane Industry
Biomethane is a carbon neutral renewable gas made from farm & food waste. The process is known as anaerobic digestion. Gas Networks Ireland has launched a Request for Information to identify new & feasible biomethane production projects. Teagasc Energy Specialist Barry Caslin gives information
03 November 2022

Grass 10 Weekly Update November 1st
Advice and information from the Grass 10 team this week includes Wet weather management to keep animals on grass. December 1st closing cover is a priority. Now is the time to identify grazing infrastructure improvements. This weeks Clover Reporter is Ger Pardy from Co. Offaly
02 November 2022

Ensuring performance on DairyBeef 500 farms
With the clock having gone back and the heavy rainfall over the past few weeks the winter is well and truly in on the majority of farms throughout the country. Tommy Cox, Teagasc DairyBeef 500 Advisor, tells us attention turns to the housing period and ensuring animal performance.
02 November 2022

Grass 10 Featured Farmer - Aidan Maguire, Co. Meath
Aidan farms near Navan in Co Meath. He has a Dairy-Calf to Beef enterprise with a stocking rate of 2.1 LU/ha on whole farm. The 2021 annual tonnage is 13.5 T DM/ha. Currently he has 48 heavy cattle and 143 weanlings out grazing. Aidan gives a grazing update
01 November 2022

Newford Farm is working to enhance the level of biodiversity on the farm
The farm has been selected as a demonstration farm as part of the Teagasc Signpost Programme.
31 October 2022

Research Impact Highlights 2021 - General
Teagasc Research Impact Highlights in 2021, a supplement of TResearch magazine, was recently released.
30 October 2022

Newford Farm Notes 24th October
To-date 90%, or 36 out of the 40, 2021-born beef heifers have now been sold at an average age of just under 18 months, or 534 days of age. All of these heifers (except four heifers) were drafted off grass with no concentrate supplementation provided since turnout on the 20th January.
30 October 2022

Science Week 2022 -The Festival of Farming and Food launches
Teagasc invites you to join us for an unmissable series of virtual and in-person events for Science Week 2022 as part of ‘The Festival of Farming and Food’.
28 October 2022

Teagasc Research Impact Highlights in 2021
In any given year, the impact of Teagasc research is a combination of the continuing impact of past research and the new impact of recent research. This publication highlights some of these new impacts achieved in 2021.
28 October 2022

Grass 10 Weekly Newsletter October 25th
Get the latest weekly grass management tips and updates from the Grass 10 team in this week's Grass10 newsletter. View reports from PastureBase Ireland from dairy and drystock farms. What is the predicted grass growth and rainfall for the coming week
27 October 2022

Nitrates Derogation 2022 – Training Course Requirement
A 3 day training course requirement is a key part of the new derogation measures introduced this year. This training, to improve knowledge transfer, must be completed by year end, by farmers who are in derogation.
27 October 2022

Lice treatment – failure to treat can adversely affect weight gain
By now all categories of stock will have been housed due to persistent rain, while fluke and worm treatments will have been given. Alan Dillon, DairyBeef 500 Programme Co-Ordinator, tells us about lice treatment and what can happen if we fail to treat.
26 October 2022

Nitrates Action Plan information for all farms
Nitrates regulations is a basic set of measures to protect waters, including drinking water sources, against pollution caused by nitrogen and phosphorus from agricultural sources. The primary emphasis is on the management of livestock manures and other fertiliser. See tables below for information
26 October 2022

Healthy Workplaces Lighten the Load
This week, 24th to 28th of October, is European Week for Safety and Health at Work.
26 October 2022

How Teagasc can help farmers improve sustainability on their farms - Signpost Series Webinar
On the Teagasc Signpost webinar series on Friday, 21 October at 9:30am Prof. Frank O’Mara, Director of Teagasc Signpost Programme, launched the Signpost Sustainability Results. While Dr. Tom O’Dwyer, Head of the Signpost Programme presented and discussed the results to date.
25 October 2022

Nitrates Derogation 2022 - Commonage
One of the new measures to be implemented this year as part of the Nitrates Action Plan 4 relates to commonage. This new measure will affect about 500+ farmers. Teagasc Advisor in the Galway/Clare region has some information.
25 October 2022
Improving the sustainability of your beef farm: lessons from across Europe - Irish BovINE Beef Meeting
Solutions to sustainability challenges facing the Irish beef sector will be addressed by a panel of Irish and European speakers at the third annual BovINE national meeting this evening, Tuesday, 25 October at 8.00pm.
25 October 2022

Regional Organic Meetings Autumn 2022
The Organic Farming Scheme was officially opened for applications on October 20th and there is very strong interest from farmers regarding organic farming.
24 October 2022

Celebrating Ancient Traditions in the Burren
Aoife Ford, B&T Drystock Adviser, writes; As the winter weather has taken hold and the evenings begin to draw in, many farmers have started to think about housing cattle for the winter. Silage pits and bales are being opened as livestock begin to move indoors.
24 October 2022

DairyBeef 500 Farm Update October 2022 - Peter O'Hanrahan
I operate a calf to beef system just outside Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny, alongside my father Thomas, and we purchase between 180 and 200 mainly Holstein Friesian males calves annually.
24 October 2022

DairyBeef 500 Newsletter - October
The current newsletter from the DairyBeef 500 team has advice on extending the grazing season and the importance of silage quality when winter finishing. Find out about the Advanced dairy calf to beef course.
23 October 2022

Nitrates 2022 - Farmers are you aware of these Changes?
Every farmer in the country needs to make themselves aware of the current nitrates regulations. There are some changes to these regulations for 2022. Environment Specialist Tim Hyde gives the information you need.
23 October 2022

Why are farmers engaging with climate change
Farmers right across the country are engaging with climate change and taking action to reduce the impact that their farming system has on the environment.
21 October 2022

Improving Water Quality in Ireland
The challenges of Water Quality, Biodiversity and Climate Change will influence farming practices and profitability into the foreseeable future.
20 October 2022

Grass10 Newsletter 18th October
In this week's Grass10 newsletter, get updates from PastureBase Ireland on predicted grass growth and rainfall. Get information on the grass situation for PastureBase dairy and drystock farmers. Get other advice and updates from the Grass10 team.
19 October 2022

Examining Weight for Age
Pearse Kelly, Head of Drystock Knowledge Transfer, Teagasc, explains how weight for age is a very good indicator of the performance of a group of animals.
19 October 2022

Increasing farm biodiversity with Tim Leader, Teagasc Signpost Farmer
Grainne Hurley, Teagasc Dairygold Joint Programme, Adrian Curtain, Teagasc, and Catherine Keena, Teagasc Countryside Management Specialist, visit the farm of Tim Leader, Signpost Farmer, to find out how he has increased biodiversity on the farm.
18 October 2022

Launch of new Sustainable Fertiliser training course for agri-professionals
Teagasc, in collaboration with the ICOS Skillnet and the fertiliser industry, has developed a 20 hour blended training course in Sustainable Fertiliser for professionals involved in the sale, purchasing and advice relating to fertilisers.
18 October 2022