
With input costs increasing in 2022, this is an important year for grassland farmers to renew their emphasis on clover establishment, but combine this with improved grazing management. Teagasc Advisor Joanne Masterson has some advice on establishing and managing clover
16 April 2022

How will calving heifers at two years benefits you both economically and environmentally?
The landscape of beef farming is changing rapidly. Moving from talking solely about increasing output from a profitability point of view to also discussing how we can produce beef more sustainably. Beef Specialist Martina Harrington gives advice on producing beef sustainably & profiles Ger McSweeney
14 April 2022

Grass10 Newsletter - 12th April 2022
This week's Grass10 e-Newsletter includes: PastureBase Ireland - Dairy and Drystock Figures; Predicted Grass Growth & Soil Temperatures; Grass10 Weekly Checklist; Grass10 Featured Farmer - Michael Gowen; The Clover Reporter with Trevor Boland; and information on the Clover Farm Walk Series.
13 April 2022

SmartCow Project linking European Research Infrastructures successfully
The SmartCow final conference took place on Wednesday, 6 April in Brussels, with the findings from the SmartCow consortium during the past four years presented.
12 April 2022

Sustainability Training Programme for Farmers and Co-operatives wins Top Accolade at National Training Awards
A ‘game changing’ new programme addressing the training and development needs of co-operatives and their farmer members and producers, as they work to reduce their carbon footprint, has won the prestigious Pearse Walsh Award.
11 April 2022

The Clover Reporter is Jim White
This week's The Clover Reporter returns to the farm of Jim White, Clonmel Co. Tipperary. Jim recently held a Clover Farm Walk on his farm. He outlines his clover plan for 2022 and his top tip for Clover in April.
10 April 2022

Longer days, more work, greater danger
Spring is here, and with it peak workload. Reduce your risk of injury or even death with some simple precautions. Francis Bligh and John McNamara Teagasc Health and Safety specialists have suggestions for keeping safe at calving time, when handling slurry and around machinery here
10 April 2022

Managing Roadside Trees
The Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine has published guidance on managing roadside trees. Written by a panel of experts convened by the Tree Council, it presents a simple six-step process for landowners to follow. Co-author Eileen Woodbyrne summarises the advice and guidance in the booklet
09 April 2022

Fertilising for First Cut Grass Silage Factsheet
Teagasc recently published a compendium of 20 factsheets providing the latest technical advice on soils, nutrients and fertiliser. The tenth of these is about Fertilising for First Cut Grass Silage and can be read here. All 20 will be published here on Teagasc Daily
09 April 2022

LIME – The Cheapest Fertiliser in 2022
Lime application was, and is always the starting point of good soil nutrient management. Austin Callaghan, Drystock Advisor, Teagasc Claremorris, describes it as the engine oil of our soils. With the great hike in fertiliser prices Austin has advice on making the best of lime this year
08 April 2022

Beef Strategies for 2022
This year has seen price inflation particularly on key inputs such as fertiliser, feed and projected contractor costs. This creates another challenging year for beef farmers who have shown significant resilience to date. Colm Kelly, Drystock Adviser, Teagasc Ballinasloe suggests ways to manage this
08 April 2022

Teagasc Signpost Programme Newsletter April 2022
In this month’s newsletter the climate action focus is on securing silage stocks for next winter in the context of high fertiliser prices. The newsletter outlines a blueprint for incorporating clover successfully into a grassland sward. Check out the Signpost farmers featured, soil health and more
08 April 2022

Newford Notes - Week of 28th March 2022
With one cow left to calve Michael Fagan, Technician at the Newford Suckler Demonstration Farm, Athenry, summarises how it all went. There are no health issues on farm and 75 cows and calves are out at grass. Cows are cycling and have been tailpainted. Two rounds of protected urea has been applied
07 April 2022

Climate Actions for March/April
Get advice from the Signpost Team summarised in Climate Actions for Grassland Farmers for March/April. There is a focus on winter feed budgeting and how to calculate your silage requirement. Get food and fodder security information for drystock and dairy farmers.
07 April 2022

Securing Winter Fodder Reserves – A priority for the Future Beef participants
Gabriel Trayers, Future Beef Programme advisor discusses Securing Winter Fodder Reserves – A priority for the Future Beef participants here. It is vital that all farmers plan to make top quality silage, which is what Shane Keaveny Future Beef participant in Co Roscommon is aiming for
06 April 2022

Grass10 Newsletter - 5th April 2022
This week's Grass10 newsletter has the Teagasc Clover Farm Walks upfront. Book your spot here. Get predicted growth & soil temperatures, the Grass10 weekly checklist, walk your farm every 5 days - one of the Grass10 weekly tips, featured farmer Oisin Gill, The Clover Reporter with Jim White and more
06 April 2022

Red Clover Silage Measure
The Red Clover Silage Measure (RCSM) aims to encourage farmers to sow red clover silage swards. A payment will be made to participating Co-op/Agri-retailers to assist farmers with the cost of buying red clover silage sward seed mixtures. This will help with the establishment of these swards
06 April 2022

Extension announced to Multi Species Swards Measure applications
The Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine has announced a short extension to the closing date for its Multi Species Swards Measure (MMS). The Measure, aiming to encourage farmers to sow multi-species swards, will now close at midnight on 14 April, the same day as the Red Clover Silage Measure
05 April 2022

Clover usage reducing Nitrogen surplus on Grassland farms
A series of 12 Clover farm walks organized by Teagasc across the country commenced today, Tuesday, 5 April. The farm walks will highlight the beneficial role that white clover is playing on grazing farms.
05 April 2022

Plan Now to Relieve the Pain of Rising Farm Costs
With higher animal prices being offset by large increases in input costs such as fertiliser, meal, fuel and contractor charges, Andy Ryder, Drystock Advisor, Teagasc Westport advises on where farmers can make adjustments to maintain a level of output without input costs crippling farm profit
05 April 2022

Preparing for silage 2022
Catherine Egan, Teagasc Beef Specialist and Shane Devaney, Teagasc Advisor, emphasise the benefits of good quality silage including reduced meal feeding and better weight gain at housing. They advise on slurry and fertiliser requirements and when to cut in this article and video
04 April 2022

The Clover Reporter: Kevin Moran
The Grass10 team return to Kevin Moran for The Clover Reporter this week. These farmers have a lot of clover established on their farms and are continuing to establish more clover into their grass-clover swards for animal performance and nitrogen reduction gains. Get Kevin's top tip for April
02 April 2022

Multi Species Sward Measure Closes on 4th April
The Multi Species Sward Measure aims to encourage farmers to sow multi-species swards (MSS). Under this measure a payment will be made to participating Co-op/Agri-retailers to help farmers with the cost of buying multispecies sward seed mixtures. Closing date has been extended to Thursday 14th April
02 April 2022

Caution urged due to Orange Fire Warning
Teagasc is urging landowners and all involved in outdoor activity to exercise extreme caution and to heed the high level warning for fires in place this week. The current weather patterns have resulted in a high fire risk in all areas where hazardous fuels such as dead grasses, heather & gorse exist
01 April 2022

Ramping up dairy genetic gain and beefing up your calf crop
As we look to refine the breeding of the dairy herds of the future, replacements should come from the best genetics and best performing cows in the herd. Today's dairy breeding article focuses on using both dairy and beef AI, from the start of the breeding season.
01 April 2022

Analyses of the organic value chain in Ireland
Dan Clavin & Dr Yan Jin, Teagasc led this research in which a value chain mapping approach was undertaken using organic administrative data to understand the structure of the organic value chain, examining the distribution of organic farms in relation to their production systems
01 April 2022

Teagasc Clover Farm Walks
The sharp increase in fertilizer prices since late 2021, has put a renewed focus on the ability of white clover to fix atmospheric Nitrogen for grazing swards on farms. A series of 12 Teagasc farm walks commencing on April 5th, will highlight the beneficial role of white clover on farms
30 March 2022

Grass10 Newsletter - 29th March 2022
Find out about managing the remaining grass on your 1st rotation in this week's Grass10 e-newsletter. Get the Pasturebase Ireland dairy & drystock figures, predicted growth, weekly tips & checklist, a research update from Moorepark, featured farmer, the clover reporter and upcoming clover farm walks
30 March 2022

Stock bull advice for breeding season 2022
With four out of every five calves born on beef farms sired by a stock bull, a stock bull’s fertility is vitally important. Catherine Egan, Teagasc Beef Specialist outlines 10 tips to consider to ensure your bull's fertility. Also get advice on what to consider in advance purchasing a new bull
30 March 2022

Reducing the Risks of Slurry Application
Maximising the fertiliser benefits from slurry is critical in 2022. Farmers are aware of this valuable resource and how it can help reduce their overall fertiliser bill through early spring application. However, best practice and regulation must be followed says Kieran Kenny ASSAP Advisor, Castlerea
30 March 2022