
Are your Climate Actions for October on track?
Are your Climate Actions for October on track? If not you can act now to apply lime, start closing paddocks, check out your carbon footprint for your farm, check your soil maps and apply K to low index soils or start taking soil samples and manage your hedges to allow some thorn saplings to grow.
26 October 2021

Options for Organic Tillage Growers
The second in a series of Autumn organic webinars, hosted by the Teagasc Organic Specialists, takes place on Wednesday, 27 October at 7:30pm and focuses on Options for Organic Tillage Growers. Register here
24 October 2021

The Signpost Series - Implications of climate neutrality for agriculture, land use & forestry in Ireland
On this episode of The Signpost Series, which took place on Friday, 8 October, Mark Gibson, Head of Teagasc Outreach & Innovation Department was joined by Dr. David Styles, University of Limerick to discuss the implications of climate neutrality for agriculture, land use & forestry in Ireland.
23 October 2021
Delivering a Sustainable Beef Sector
BovINE network spans across 9 EU States. BovINE links farmers, advisors, researchers, & other relevant stakeholders to stimulate exchange of knowledge & ideas to address solutions to the challenges faced by the sector. The 2021 network meeting theme is Delivering a Sustainable Beef Sector.
22 October 2021

Improving The Appearance of your Farm
At various times of the year farms are very busy places of work, and can quickly become untidy and unsafe. However, no matter how busy you are, you must be safety conscience and aim to keep your farm and farmyard neat and tidy at all times. Eamonn Dempsey, Teagasc Adviser has farm upkeep suggestions
21 October 2021

Calculating the Carbon Footprint of your Farm
The Environment is at the forefront of all our decisions now as we actively make positive moves to lowering Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). We know Greenhouse gases have a negative impact on our planet. Serena Gibbons, Education Officer Teagasc Athenry looks at how the carbon footprint is calculated
20 October 2021

Nutrient Loss & the Closed Period for Spreading Manure
The regulated closed period for spreading organic manures is often a source of frustration and annoyance for farmers. This is not surprising given the cost of manure storage and variation in Irish weather. Edward Burgess, Teagasc explains the research supporting the closed period restrictions
19 October 2021

Management to Control Docks on your Farm
The summer of 2021 provided excellent growing conditions and weeds grew brilliantly. Fields on many farms have dock problems. Greater focus is needed to prevent dock infestation and eliminate existing docks. Austin Callaghan, Drystock Advisor, Teagasc Claremorris examines aids to dock control here
18 October 2021

Soaring Fertiliser Costs proving Importance of Soil Fertility
Fuel shortages, spiraling costs, lack of labour and talks of power outages are among the topics that are covered when talking to farmers in the last few weeks. Keith Fahy, Teagasc Athenry advisor recommends soil sampling to identify lime deficiency and correcting this to reduce fertiliser bills
17 October 2021

Do health when you are Young
On the final day of Ag Mental Health Week John McNamara, Teagasc Health & Safety Specialist looks at the health priorities of young farmers & advises that the younger the age that you start adopting health gain practices the better. He discusses Irish research in the last of his four articles
16 October 2021

Building a Farm Roadway
A well-designed, carefully built and properly maintained farm roadway system has many benefits, including, less lameness, faster and easier stock movement, less roadway maintenance, more efficient paddock access and more as Tom Fallon, Farm Buildings & Infrastructure Specialist outlines here.
16 October 2021

Growth Watch: Finishing stock begin to move indoors
With grass growth rates hovering around the 30kg DM/ha/day mark on farms participating in the Teagasc Green Acres Programme, heavier stock are beginning to move indoors for a finishing period. Séan Cummins Teagasc GreenAcres Advisor, reports from programme farmers Peter O’Hanrahan and Aidan Maguire
15 October 2021

Teagasc support for Suckler Producers
Addressing concerns raised by beef farmers in recent weeks, Teagasc Authority Chairman, Liam Herlihy said; “Teagasc policy is to support all farmers with the enterprise and production system they select for their farm by providing them with the information they need based on independent research
14 October 2021

Securing Positive Mental Health in Farming
Ag Mental Health Week runs to Saturday, Oct 16. This week Teagasc Daily brings you short articles from John McNamara, Teagasc Health & Safety Specialist, reminding farmers and all working in agriculture of the importance of mental health awareness. Article 3 focus is: Securing Positive Mental Health
14 October 2021

How I cut my hedges - Tony Mullins
Enhancing the biodiversity on your farms starts with the correct management of hedgerows. It’s a good time of the year to have a chat with your contractor before he / she starts cutting, providing the contractor with clear guidelines. This video provides more information on improving hedgerows
14 October 2021

Don’t feel Impregnable - look after your Health
Ag Mental Health Week runs from Oct 10 to Saturday, Oct 16. All this week Teagasc Daily will bring you series of 4 short articles from John McNamara Teagasc Health & Safety Specialist, reminding farmers and all working in agriculture of the importance of mental health awareness. Read the second here
13 October 2021

Is your Autumn Rotation Planner on track?
Is your Autumn Rotation Planner on track? This is the question Martina Harrington, Beef Specialist asks in mid October, to check in with our Autumn Rotation Planner. She outlines targets & reasons why hitting the targets are important while Terry Carroll, Advisor explains the 60:40 planner
13 October 2021

Teagasc Signpost Programme Newsletter October 2021
This months Signpost newsletter has a particular focus on where a farmer can access the carbon footprint for their farm. We feature some highlights of Moorepark Open Day. Catherine Keena provides a video and short note on hedgerow management. See Farmer profiles, monthly climate actions and updates
12 October 2021

Teagasc and Dairy Sustainability Ireland publish ASSAP interim report
The second Agricultural Sustainability Support and Advisory Programme (ASSAP) interim report was published recently. The ASSAP programme is a key part of a wider government and community effort to improve water quality in 190 selected priority areas for action (PAA’s) around the country.
11 October 2021

The Signpost Series - 'What's the Story with our Bogs?' and the European Carbon Farming Initiative
On this episode of The Signpost Series, which took place on Friday, 1 October, Pat Murphy, Head of Environment Knowledge Transfer Department, Teagasc was joined by Dr Douglas McMillan, Chair of the Green Restoration Ireland (GRI) Cooperative to discuss what’s the story with our Bogs?
10 October 2021

Environment Newsletter - October 2021
The latest edition of the Environment newsletter has information on: Key management dates; Shop windows; Have that conversation; Know your derogation commitments; and EIP Update - Comeragh upland communities.
09 October 2021

How big is your carbon footprint?
Regardless of your enterprise mix, carbon footprint is becoming a key indicator of farm efficiency. In this article first published in Today's Farm Siobhán Kavanagh & Gráinne Hurley, Teagasc and Eleanor Murphy, Bord Bia explain what climate change is about and discuss the carbon footprint of farms
06 October 2021

Start Growing Your 2022 Spring Grass Now!
At a farm walk outside Tuam during the week the topic of preparing for spring grass in 2022 raised a few eyebrows when there was a visible abundance of fresh green grass on the farm. Gabriel Trayers, Drystock Adviser, Teagasc Tuam reports on a recent experience he had and advises to plan ahead
05 October 2021

Teagasc Green Acres Programme returns to live action
The first on-farm live open day of the Teagasc Green Acres Calf to Beef Programme took place on September 29 on the farm of JP Hammersley in Lattin, Co. Tipperary. Alan Dillon and Seán Cummins, Teagasc Green Acres report here on the detail of the day's success.
04 October 2021

Irvine Allen - Teagasc Green Acres Farm Walk
Irvine Allen is a participant in the second phase of the Teagasc Green Acres Calf to Beef Programme and runs a dairy calf-to-beef operation on his 58ha farm in Co. Westmeath. Irvine will host a farm walk on 5th October at 2pm and invites you to come see the improvements he has made in the enterprise
03 October 2021

Commuting before the pandemic
As some of us return to the work and college after 18 months of working from home, the September Map of the Month looks at pre-pandemic commuting patterns – highlighting how important regional towns are. It is interesting to think how the next survey of commuting will differ.
01 October 2021

Growth Watch: Managing heavier covers with rain forecast
With the days becoming shorter and rain forecast over the coming week, a key target on beef farms is to maintain grass in the diet for as long as possible. Séan Cummins and Alan Dillon, Teagasc GreenAcres Advisors, discuss this and get updates from programme farmers Irvine Allen and Richard Long.
01 October 2021

Improving animal performance from grazed pasture
A pre-requisite to exploiting improvements in the nutritive value of pasture is the optimisation of pasture management practices. Researchers Michael Dineen and Micheal O’Leary discuss the methods of improving animal performance from grazed pasture.
30 September 2021

Did you fulfill your September Climate Actions?
Did you fulfill your September Climate Actions this month? If not there is still time for taking action to book a milk recording, spread lime on low pH soils, Apply potassium to low K Index soils, weigh replacement heifers, implement dosing & vaccination of young stock while focusing on grazing
29 September 2021

Transferring family farm - Where do I start?
Transferring the family farm is so much more than just a simple business transaction; there are a number of complex issues to be addressed. Catherine Egan, Beef Specialist, discusses how to handle family farm transfers, with insight from Teagasc Financial Management Specialist, James McDonnell.
29 September 2021