Don’t forget to record SCEP Survey Data

With all the change and confusion over the EuroStar Indices in recent weeks and the focus on meeting the 50% female replacement requirement in SCEP, Aidan Murray, Teagasc Beef Specialist, reminds farmers not to overlook the need to complete the survey data on the calves and suckler cows.
This data can be recorded online using the SCEP tab on ICBF HerdPlus or you can request a paper form, which will have to be filled out and returned to ICBF. You should have received a pocket notebook from ICBF, which will allow you to record the data when you are on the farm.
In SCEP, the survey information is split into two parts and each account for 10% of your overall SCEP payment. The critical thing to remember about all this data is that you are only comparing the animals in your herd. You are not comparing your animals to what you saw last week in the mart or on the neighbour’s farm when you popped in at the weekend. So you are scoring the largest versus the smallest calf born on your farm for Calf Size or the liveliest cow versus your quietest cow when you are looking at Dam Docility.
Part one
Part one focuses on recording the details at the time of registering the calf’s birth. So you will have already completed this as you recorded the sire, dam and calving score when registering the calf. You will also be required to indicate Calf Size when born and Calf Vigour or how lively the calf is after birth.
Calves must be registered using any one of the following methods:
- DAFM-approved farm software providers;
- The ICBF Animal Events System – animal events book as provided by the ICBF.
Part two
Part two focuses on the following areas: Calf Quality; Calf Docility, Dam Docility; Dam Milk Ability; Dam Mothering Ability; Dam Feet and Legs; Dam Teat Score; and Dam Udder Score. You can also record the Dam Departure reason for information purpose.
The information on Calf Quality and Calf Docility can only be recorded once the calf reaches five months old. There is a requirement in this ‘Action 5 Calving Details and Surveys’ under SCEP that all calves born in the herd must be maintained on the holding for at least five months. If you submit less than 80% of the required data in the scheme year, you will not get paid for that entire action. If you record between 80-100% of the required data there will be a proportionate reduction based on the percentage of data submitted.
Closing date for submission of traits for Part 1 and Part 2 is 15th February annually. Data will not be accepted after this date. Please see example for scheme year 1. So for calves born in Scheme year 1 (1st July 2022 to 30th June 2023), their data must be submitted by 15th February 2024.
There are three ways to record the survey data:
- Farm software providers;
- The ICBF website at: - click on the services tab and click on SCEP tab;
- Paper-based survey forms are available to be printed down from the ICBF website.
If you can log into your ICBF HerdPlus account on the main page, there will be a bar chart (pictured below) showing you the amount of data you have recorded and what areas are outstanding.
Figure 1: SCEP Herd Progress and survey as seen on the ICBF HerdPlus website
Also read: Changes to the Terminal and Replacement Index - why are they required?
Also read: Chasing cost reductions through breeding - the role of the updated Replacement Index