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‘Key enablers to improving profitability on beef farms’ - the speaker presentations from the National Beef Conference

On this week’s episode of the Beef Edge podcast we are going to hear the four presentations that were given at the Teagasc National Beef Conference panel discussion in December 2022 which was entitled, ‘Key enablers to improving profitability on beef farms’.

The panel was facilitated by Trevor Boland, Teagasc Future Beef Programme participant, and the speakers and topics were:

Assessing the potential to improve key profit drivers on beef farms
Dr Paul Crosson, Beef Enterprise Leader, Teagasc Grange

Abattoir lesions in cattle are associated with an increased age at slaughter
Dr Natascha Meunier, Programme Manager Beef Health Check, Animal Health Ireland

Reducing the age at first calving for suckler cows – a key profit driver for beef farms
Dr Colin Byrne, Beef Researcher, Teagasc Grange

Has red clover a role in your beef production system?
Dr Nicky Byrne Beef Researcher, Teagasc Grange


The conference and speakers can also be viewed on the Teagasc YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TK3bFy7peTw&ab_channel=Teagasc
For more episodes from the Beef Edge podcast, visit the show page at https://www.teagasc.ie/thebeefedge  

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