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Let's Talk Cattle 2021 February

Let's Talk Cattle 2021 February

The second Let's Talk Cattle webinar of 2021 commences on Thursday the 11th of February at 8pm and will focus on Early Spring Grassland Management. John Douglas from the Grass10 team will chat with Alan Dillon on how to ensure earlier turnout, maximise grass use, fertiliser and closing for silage

A series of webinars for Irish beef farmers will be hosted monthly by Teagasc. 

Make sure to join once a month on a Thursday evening at 8pm for timely, relevant and practical advice to allow you make better management decisions on your beef farm. 

And be prepared to get involved in the discussion – there will be an opportunity for you to pose your questions to each week’s presenters. 

Thursday, 11 February  |  8pm

Early Spring Grassland Management  


With longer spring days edging closer farmers will now need to start thinking about turning stock out to grass to make use of cheap weight gain. John Douglas from the Teagasc Grass10 team will chat with Alan Dillon about what practices farmers need to adopt to ensure earlier turnout is achieved and maximum use is made of what grass is available on the farm prior to closing up for silage. Fertilization rates and closing up for silage will also be discussed on the night. There will be an opportunity for you to ask live questions from the presenters on the night.

There will be one Cattle webinar per month and one Sheep webinar per month. Click on the following links to browse and register for these Cattle & Sheep webinars or to view past webinars  www.teagasc.ie/letstalkcattle OR www.teagasc.ie/letstalksheep